Sunday, February 24, 2013

It's TIME to go to work. (AUDIO)

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Hey... Madanm, di mwen, eske ou pa’t gen pou  al travay maten an?
Lady, tell me,  didn't you plan to go to work this morning?

Mwen prale wi.  Men Li poko pou m kite. (please see link)
Yes I AM going.  But it's not time to leave yet.

A ki lè w’ap kite?
At what time will you leave?

M’ap soti la a setè edmi paske travay mwen kòmanse a uitè.
I'll get out of here at 7:30 because my job starts a 8:00.

Ah mwen konprann.  E se a ki lè w’ap tounen?
Ah! I understand.  And at what time will you be back?

M’ap fin travay a midi.
I'll be done working at noon.

Kifèla, ou pa travay anpil!  Ou travay katrèdtan sèlman?
So, you don't work much!  You work only for four hours?

Wi se sa.  Mwen travay KAT-È-D'-TAN sèlman.
Yes that's right.  I only work four- hours-of-time.

E se kisa ou fè avèk rès tan w?
And what do you do with the rest of your time?

Ak rès tan mwen, mwen fè klas pou moun ki pa konn li ……lasemèn nan apremidi.
With the rest of my time, I teach a class for people who don't know how to read ...on weekday afternoons.

E ki sa w fè lewikenn.
What do you on weekends?

Lewikenn, mwen dòmi nèt ale.  Mwen dòmi tout lajounen, tout lannuit.
On weekends, I sleep like a log.  I sleep all day, all night.

San dout, ou merite tout repo sa a.
Without a doubt, you deserve all that rest.

Wi ….M panse m merite l vre.  Enben, m’ale wi.  N’a wè pita lè m rantre a dizè?
Yes,  I think I do deserve it.  So, I'm leaving.  See you later when I come back at 10:00?

Dakò.  N’a wè lè w retounen.
Yes.  See you when you get back.

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. word plan in first sentence, literally translation would be didn't you have or haven't you had to go to work. I understand meaning, but please tell me few examples with word plan in the sentence, something like....what do you plan to do today? eske m ka di kisa ou planifye pou ou(if i say pou ou does that necessarily means must??) fe jodi a...or can i say Ki plan ou gen pou jodi a oubyen ki plan ou fe pou ou menm jodi a ? ede m,

    1. Yes, your examples are correct. The idea in the dialogue was to use "GEN POU", but You can use the word planifye also. Like you have it here, You could say:

      1. Kisa ou te planifye pou jodi a?
      What did you plan for today?

      2. Ki plan ou gen pou jodi a?
      What plans do you have for today>

      3. Eske ou te fè plan pou jodi a?
      Did you make any plans for today?
      Di you have anthing planned for today?

  2. oh oh kijan ou a we mesye sa a dize le ou fin travay a midi..oh oh eske ou planifye ( ha ha this word again, hey i have discovered that i use this word quite often when i use english) abandone (ditch) travay ou? ha ha

    1. Lol! She would be a bad worker if she did that :)

      She works four hours, goe to teach, and then comes home by 10 PM.
      I guess I should have said: dizè diswa (10 PM) instead of just dizè (10 o'clock)

      Mèsi :)

  3. Manda, tell me what's name of this instrumental which goes after audio lesson?

    Btw, how to say ditch the school?

    1. The song is called "lucie".
      I'm not sure if you'll find it on the major market.
      My best friend Bémol Telfort who is a jazz guitarist played it.

      Perhaps if you searched his name you might find it in his private recordings. He has a myspace, reverbnation, and other accounts for his music.

      to ditch school → fè lekòl bisonyè

  4. N’a wè pita lè m rantre a dizè?
    ( Here, a dize should be a midi, right ?)

    kamsa hamnida

  5. Can you explain the difference with
    rantre and retounen ?

    (kamsa hamnida)

  6. RANTRE (sometimes used in place of ANTRE) → to come, to come in, to come back in, to return, to insert, to bring in, to retract (to draw back)

    Some examples:
    1. Lè lapli a te koumanse tonbe, tou moun te rantre anndan. (to come)

    2. Avyon an rantre kawoutyou yo lè li te pran vòl. (to retract)

    3. Kilè w'ap rantre? (to come back)

    4. Koulèv la te rantre nan yon twou. (go inside)

    5. M'ap rantre lakay ta aswè a, ou pa bezwen tann mwen. (to return)

    6. Nou toude ansanm rantre apeprè $1500.00 pa mwan nan kay la. (to bring in)

    7. Mezanmi! Pitit la rantre yon gwo kiyè nan bouch li. Bouch lan chire yan! (to insert)

    RETOUNEN (or TOUNEN) - to return, to come back, to bring back

    Some examples:
    8. Li retounen vin jwenn mwen.
    She came back to me.

    9. Pote monnen an retounen ban mwen tande.
    Bring me back the change you hear.
