Sunday, April 21, 2013

Se Jès La ki Konte - It's the thought that counts

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-Ki dènye fwa ou te resevwa yon kado ou te reyèlman apresye?
  When was the last time you received a gift that you really liked?

-Te m wè.  Nwèl pase, yon zanmi te fè m kado yon bèl foula.  Mwen te twouve li byen itil.
  Let me se.  Last Christmas, a friend gave me a nice scarf.  I found it very useful.

-Eh byen, kòm ou konnen, semèn pase se te fèt mwen.
  Well, as you know, last week was my birthday.

-Wi,  mwen konnen.  Eske ou te renmen kravat mwen te ba ou a?
Yes, I know. Did you like the tie I gave you?

-Wi.  Li ... te bon.   Wi, kòm mwen t’ap di w.   Yon bèl ti dam mwen renmen nan travay la te ban m yon kado pou fèt mwen.
   Yes.  It was ....alright.  Yes, as I was telling you.  A beautiful woman whom I have crush on at work gave me a birthday gift.

-O o! ou resi fè yon menaj?
  Oh you finally have a girlfriend?

-Non li poko menaj mwen.  Li pa menm konnen si m gen santiman pou li.
 No, she's not my girlfriend yet.  She doesn't even know that I have feelings for her.

-O o! sa w’ap tann?  Poukisa w poko mande l soti?
  Well, what are you waiting for?  Why haven't you asked her out?

-Enben koute sa m’ap eseye di w la avan.
  Well, listen to what I'm trying to tell you first.

-Wi. Dakò. Ou t’ap di m li fè w yon kado?   Kisa li te ba ou?
   Yes. alright.  You said she gave you a gift.  What did she give you?

-Li fè m kado yon chapo.
  She gave me a hat.

-Yon chapo?  Yon kado ki montre anpil konsiderasyon
  Oh. a hat?  A thoughtful gift 

-Pa si ou chòv.  M pa konn poukisa li ban m yon chapo
  Not if you're bald. I don't know why she gave me a hat.

-Sa ki gen mal nan sa?  Li ba ou yon kado ki montre li t'ap panse a ou.   Pa vre?
  What's wrong with it?  She gave you a hat which shows that she was thinking of you.  Isn't it true?

-Oubyen... li ban m kado a paske li fatige gade tèt kale mwen.
   Or... she gave me the hat because she's tired of staring at my bald head.

-W'ap mete pase genyen. Li fè ou yon kado. Se jès la ki konte  Kounye a se tou pa w.  Rele l pou  w remèsye l.  Eske ou gen nimewo telefòn ni?
  You're reading between the lines.  She gave you a gift.  It's the thought that counts.  Now it's your turn.  Call her so you can thank her.  Do you have her phone number?

-Wi.  Li te mete nimewo telefon ni nan yon papye anndan chapo a.
  Yes.  She put her phone number in a piece of paper inside the hat.

-O! yon bèl ti dam ke ou renmen fè w kado nimewo telefòn ni kachte nan yon chapo pou fèt ou, enpi w'ap kesyone motif li toujou?  
   O! a beautiful woman which you have a crush on gives you her telephone number wrapped in a hat for your birthday, and you're still questioning her move? 

-Eske ou panse li vle m rele l?
   Do you think she wants me to call her?

-Men wi! Li vle w rele l.  Pouki lòt rezon pou l ta ba ou nimewo telefon ni?
   Of course! She wants you to call her.  Why else would she give you her phone number?

-Alò dakò.  Mwen pral rele li.   Oh tann..... Eske w panse m ta dwe rele l jodi a oubyen demen?
  Ok then. I will call her.  Oh wait.... Do you think I should call her today or tomorrow?

-Gras lamizerikòd pou pòv ti malerèz la Bondye!  Nan kondisyon sa ti dam nan ap  fin granmoun anvan l resevwa apèl sa a!  Wi rele l kounye a!
  God help the poor girl!  In this way she'll be an old lady before she gets that call!  Yes, call her now!

Track: Kè Mwen Kontan by K-Zino 

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. Ala bèl sa ye! M' gen de kesyon. Ki sa vle di mo 'ni' a ki swiv mo 'telefòn' nan? Epi sa k' vle di egzakteman fraz 'gras lamizerikòd' la?

    1. ni → possessive adjective, object pronoun that is sometimes used instead of li. That usually happens with words that end with "n" or "m".
      People might say:
      Se madanm ni.
      Se fanm ni.
      Li montre kòn ni.
      Eske ou te vann ni?
      Bay John ni.

      instead of
      Se madanm li.That his wife.
      Se fanm li. That's his woman
      Li montre kòn li.He shows his horn.
      Eske ou te vann li?Did you sell it?
      Bay John li.Give it to John.

  2. Gras lamizèrikòd! is the equivalent of Mercy! or Have mercy!.

  3. 감사합니다, Madaly
    I'm in Haiti, now
    to share my little heart with
    people in cite soleil area.
    Mwen ap aprann pale Kreyol chak jou.
    Your program is awsome !

    Kamsa hamnida

    1. I really do appreciate your work in Haiti. It takes a special person to care like that.

      Thanks and may God bless you.

  4. Is there any way for you print in a larger and darker
    letters for the English trnaslation part ?
    (kamsa hamnida)

  5. koute sa m’ap eseye di w la avan.
    (Can you explain 'la' here ?)

    1. "la" is a definite article. It modifies "sa"

      Koute | sa | m'ap di | w | la | anvan
      Listen| that | I'm telling | you | the | first

      It's like saying "Listen to "the thing" I'm telling you first."

  6. Pa si w ou chòv.
    ( Why do you use 'w' and 'ou'
    at a same time ?)

    1. OOPS! my mistake :-\.
      I will correct it.

      What would I do without you :)

  7. W'ap mete pase genyen.
    (Can you explain in detail ?)
    Kamsa hamnida ( mesi anpil)

    1. Hi :)

      Mete pase genyen
      literally means
      to put more than there is
      in plain English it is:
      to overemphasize, to exaggerate, to amplify

      In this story it is used to mean that the person is adding more than there is.

  8. yon bèl ti dam ke ou renmen fè w kado nimewo telefòn ni kachte nan yon chapo .
    When you translate, I think you omitted "fè w kado "
    Can you translate again to complete ?
    Mesi anpil
    (kamsa hmnida)

    1. okay :)

      fè kado - to give as a gift, to give

      Here are some examples:

      Li fè m kado yon liv.
      He gives me a book.

      Bondye te fè nou kado pitit li Jezikri.
      God gave us his son Jesus Christ.

      Manman m te fè m kado yon machin.
      My mother gave me a car.

      Magazen an te fè w kado yon boutèy dlo pou gratis.
      The store gave you a bottle of water for free.

      And here's the translation from the audio:

      yon bèl ti dam ...
      A beautiful woman...

      ke ou renmen...
      that you love ...

      fè w kado...
      gives you...

      nimewo telefòn ni...
      her telephone number...

      kachte nan yon chapo
      wrapped in a hat
