Sunday, April 14, 2013

Okipe Zafè Pa'w! - Mind your own business! (Audio)

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-Wi cheri!
  Yes honey.

-Mwen enkyete anpil.
   I am very worried.

-Poukisa w enkyete?
   Why are you worried?

-Depi kèk jou mwen pa wè madanm vwazen an.
  Well, it's been a few days since I've seen the neighbor's wife.

-Petèt li ale anvakans.
  Maybe she went on a vacation.

-San mari li? Enposib!  De moun sa yo toujou ansanm.  Youn pa janm ale ankenn kote san lòt la.
  Without her husband?  Impossible!  These two people are always together.  One never goes anywhere without the other.

-Eske se sa ki te enkyete ou?
  Is that what worried you?

-Non.  Mwen enkyete paske mwen te wè vwazen an t’ap fouye yon gwo twou nan lakou li an lotrejou swa.
   No. I'm worried because I saw the neighbor dig a big hole in his yard the other night.

-Petèt se yon gwo pye kokoye li t’ap plante!
  Maybe he's planting a big coconut tree!

-Men non, M pa kwè sa. Mwen te wè li t’ap glise yon bagay desann anndan twou a ak yon kòd.  
  No.  I don't believe that.  I saw him slide something down into the hole with a rope.

-Petèt se yon gwo trezò li t'ap sere anbatè a.
 Well, maybe he was hiding a treasure under the ground

-Non, se pa sa.
   No.  It's not that.

-Se pa sa?
  That's not it?

-Non.  M kwè se yon bagay li t’ap antere nan gwo twou a.
   Nope.  I believe he was burying something in the big hole.

-Petèt li t’ap antere yon gwo rat.
   Maybe he was burying a big rat.

-M pa kwè se te yon rat! M panse vwazen an touye madanm ni, enpi l’antere’l.
   I don't believe it was a rat.  I think the neighbor killed his wife and he buried her.

-O! Sa se yon akizasyon ki grav anpil. Li pa bon pou pale bagay ou pa konnen. Kite sa tonbe non.
    O!  That's a very serious accusation. It's not good to talk about things you know nothing about. Just leave it alone.

-Nou pa ka chita san n pa fè anyen.  Fò n’al dezantere madanm nan.
  We can't sit and do nothing.  We have to go dig the woman out.

-Mezanmi!  Ou genlè pèdi tèt ou!!  Sispann fè fouyapòt non!  Enpi okipe zafè w tande!
   Oh man!  You must have lost your mind!  Stop meddling and mind your own business you hear?

-Enben si w p'ap ede m, m’ava al fè l pou kont mwen
   Well if you won't help me, I'll go do it on my own.

-O O! Kote w prale? Cheri, tounen isit!!
   Hey!  Where are you going?  Honey, come back here!

-Mwen pral dezantere pòv malerèz la anvan vwazen an bouche twou a! aaaaaah!
  I am going to dig the poor woman out before the neighbor fills the hole! aaaaah!

-O O! Sa’w genyen?   Ou tonbe anndan twou a?!
   What's wrong?  Did you fall into the hole?

-Wi.  Anmwey! Vin ede m soti!  Tanpri, vin ede m soti!
  Yes.  Help!  Come help me get out!  Please, Come help me get out!

-Eske w te jwenn madanm vwazen an anndan twou a?!
   Did you find the neighbor's wife inside the hole?

-Non, mwen pa jwenn ni non! Se pa madanm ni li te antere, se yon pi li t’ap fouye.  Mwen tonbe nan yon pi dlo!  Mwen pa konn naje! Vin ede mwen tanpri!  
   No, I didn't find her.  It's not his wife that he buried, it's a well he was digging!  I fell in a water well! I don't know how to swim! Come help me please! 

-Kòm mwen te di w, cheri, okipe zafè pa’w! 
   Like I told you, honey, mind your own business!

Track: Anmwey! by Yohann

Ayiti gen ragga Kreyòl

Ayiti gen hiphop Kreyòl

Ayiti gen reggae kreyol
Ayiti, men nouvo stil la
Fason nou manje se stil la
Fason n’abiye se stil la
Fason nou chante se stil la
Ayiti cheri
Nou monte Wo!


Apre evènman, nou tounen pou tout bon
N di mèsi, nou toujou douvan, chaje enspirasyon
Menm lè moun ap pale, jenès la apiye n
Kout gita bas batri, nou  …pou lavi
Chak moun gen yon zanmi ki di l pa renmen rock
W’ap wè l nan pwogram nou k’ap goumen devan pòt
Le ou wè’ l pèdi vwa l mande l kote l te ye
Ou te wè’l nan fon pwogram nan, li menm k’ap rele
Gade lè l non!

Anmwey! Kite rock la mache!
 Anmwey! Danse rock la!  Ponpe!

M poko fin pale
Mwen p’ap janm konprann ou
Lè w di m rock la pa pou ou
Pou w jan pran plezi ou
Lè n lage mizik nou
Lè mwen di li pou ou
Ou di w gen yon zanmi ki di l pa renmen rock
W’ap wè’l nan pwogram nou k’ap goumen devan pòt
Le ou wè pèdi vwa l , mande’l kote l te ye
Ou te wè’l nan fon pwogram nan li menm k’ap rele
Ou pa wè’l

Amwey! Kite rock la mache!
Anmwey! Danse rock la! Ponpe!

Ayiti, men rock, si nou tout dakò, rele!
Leve men n anlè, tout moun fè bri
Ti medam yo, mayestwo ak Yohann ki la
Pa bezwen danse,  ponpe pou n ponpe!
Ou di w pa konn danse
M’pa’t mande ou fè anpil
Tout sa m te mande’w
Se lage’l jan ou santi’l

Amwey! Kite rock la mache!
Anmwey! Danse rock la! Ponpe!

Fè sa w vle!

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. Thanks for posting this.
    If you'd asked me, I think she should stay in the hole. That'll teach her :)

    My question is: What is "ni" in MADANM NI?
    Mesi Mandaly.

    1. "ni" replacing "li" is considered a pos. adjective here with "madanm". It also can be used as object pronoun. We say "ni" instead of "li" sometimes when after words that end with a nasal "m", "n", or "nn". Some examples are:

      1. Mwen te jwenn ni.
      I found him /her/ it.

      2. Solèy la te fonn ni.
      The sun melted it.

      3. Mwen p'ap vann ni.
      I won't sell it.

      4. Si madanm ni te la, li pa ta fè sa.
      If his wife was here he wouldn't have done that.

      5. N'ap tann ni.
      We're waiting for it.

  2. Hello,
    in the dialogue, you said "nan lakou li an", shouldn't it be "lakou li a"? If no, can you explain why the "an" is nasalized? Thanks.

    1. The "ou" sound in "lakou" is nasal. That's why you see "lakou li an"

      If the def. article comes after the nasal sound ou, you will get a nasal article.

      lanmou an
      lanmou li an
      his love

  3. This is very helpful. I had always wondered about the use of 'anmwey'. So when one asks for help you should just say 'anmey', not 'anmwey mwen' as it is with 'help me'?

    And can one say 'Ede mwen' when calling for help instead of 'anmwey'?
    What other ways can I use 'anmwey'? thanks.

    1. Yes, people yell "Anmwey" not "Anmwey mwen". They may even say "Anmway lapolis!" even if there are no police officers around.

      Yes, you can say "Ede mwen!, Vin sekoure m!, Vin pote m sekou!, Vin ede m!. They all mean "Help me".
