Monday, February 18, 2013

Saying "Thank You's!" and "You're Welcome"! (AUDIO)

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Matmwazèl! (Miss!)
Plètil mesye? (Yes sir?)
Eske ou kapab di m ki lè l ye? (Can you tell me what time it is?)
Li fè sizè. (It's six o'clock.)
Mèsi! (Thank you!)
Deryen mesye! (You're welcome sir!)

Plètil mesye?
Mwen grangou.  Fè yon ti sandwich pou mwen tanpri. (I'm hungry.  Make me a sandwich please)
Men wi mesye! (Of course sir!)
Men sandwich la wi. (Here's the sandwich.)
Mèsil anpil.  Mwen apresye sa! (Thanks a lot.  I appreciate this!)
Ak tout plezi mesye. (With all the pleasure sir!)

Plètil mesye?
Eske w kapab pote yon vè dlo byen glase pou mwen? (Can you bring me a very cold glass of water?)
Wi mesye. (Yes sir)
Men dlo glase a wi! (Here's the cold water)
Mèsi anpil! (Thanks a lot!)
Se te yon plezi mesye! (It was a pleasure sir!)

Plètil mesye?
Chofe yon ti dlo pou m ka benyen tanpri. (Warm up some water for my bath please)
Wi mesye.
Dlo a chofe wi. (The water's been heated)
Mèsi! (Thank you!)
Se te tout plezi m mesye! (It was all my pleasure sir!)

Plètil mesye?
Mwen fin benyen.  Vin fèmen dlo a pou mwen. (I'm done taking my shower.  Come shut off the water for me)
Dakò mesye. (Alright sir.)
Mwen fèmen dlo a wi. (I shut off the water)
Mèsi anpil! (Thanks a lot!)
Padekwa mesye! (You're welcome sir!)

Plètil mesye?
Etenn limyè a pou m ka dòmi. (Turn off the lights so that I may sleep)
Wi mesye.
Mwen etenn limyè a wi. (I turned off the lights)
Mwen remèsye w pou tout sa ou fè pou mwen! (I thank you for all you've done for me!)
Sa pa't anyen mesye! (That was nothing sir!)

Plètil mesye?
Vin kouche bò kote m pou w ka grate do m. (Come lie down next to me so you can scratch my back.)
O!  Non non non Mesye! (Oh no no no sir!)
O O! Poukisa w di non? (Why do you say no?)
Paske sa se yon travay pou madanm ou, pa pou mwen menm! (Because this a job for your wife, not for me!)
Enben, eske w ta vle marye avè m pou w kapab vin madanm mwen? (Well would like to marry me so you can become my wife?)
Non mèsi mesye. Ou pa bezwen yon madanm. Se yon bòn ou bezwen! (No thanks sir.  You don't need a wife.  You need a servant)
Enben, mèsi kanmenm! (Well, thanks anyway!)
Se te yon gran plezi mesye! (It was a great pleasure sir!)

Track: Ede m chante chante sa a by Boukan Ginen

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. Replies
    1. I had fun to making it :)

      M'espere tout bagay anfòm pou ou. E mwen swete ou gentan koumanse manje bon ti manje Ayisyen lakay ou :)

      Kenbe fò.

  2. man! that guy lazy!!!
