Sunday, March 2, 2014

Tèt Chaje! (E anpil anpil lòt ekspresyon)

Not every Haitian Creole expression in this audio post can be translated word for word.

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Sa se istwa Toto ak Janèt.
This is the story of Toto and Janet.

Toto ak Janèt se te misye ak madanm.
Toto and Janet were husband and wife.

De mesyedam sa yo se te pwason kraze nan bouyon.  Yo te damou nèt.
These two people were like two peas in a pod.  They were totally in love.

Men sa’k vin pase. Toto te konn travay vennkat sou vennkat. Li pa janm gen tan.  Li pa janm la.  Janèt menm te bouke rete pou kont li nan kay la.  Chak jou se te konsa. Donk, ou konnen, Lè chat pa la rat pran kay.
Here's what happened.  Toto used to work around the clock.  He never had time.  He was never there.  Janet, herself, was tired of staying home alone in the house.  Everyday it was like that.  So, you know, when the cat's away the mice come to play.

Wi machè! Misye te vin sispèk madanm ni ka ap ba li zokloJanèt toujou demanti mari l. Konsa yon jou Toto ba l yon kou sipriz.  Li rantre lakay sanzatann.
Yes! He suspected that his wife may have been cheating on him.  Janet always denied it.  So one day Toto surprised her.  He came home unexpectedly.

Lè Toto rantre nan kay la, sa l wè l pa ka pale.  L’al pantan sou yon move sipriz. Yon lòt nèg….
When Toto got into the house, he was speechless.  He came upon a bad surprise.  Another man...

Sa w tande a, de je kontre manti kaba.  Tout kaka chat deyò.  Toto pran chenn.  Li fin deraye. Li rale yon kouto.
Just like you heard, Janet was cornered.  All secret was out.  Toto got really mad.  He lost it completely.  He pulled out a knife.

Lòt nèg la wè kouto a. Tout jwèt se jwèt, kòchèt pa ladan l. Li ranmase rad li, o o! toutouni an,  li di “pye sa m te manje m pa’t ba w!”. Li chape poul li.
The other man saw the knife, it was not a game anymore.  He picked up his clothes, all naked, he asked his feet to take him as far away as possible.  He split.

Toto menase Janèt ak kouto a. Janèt menm ranmase tout zafè li.  Li kite kay la ak kanè bank mari li blanch.  Li kite misye sou po bouda l.
Toto threatened Janet with the knife.  Janet picked up her belongings and emptied out the house and her husband's bank account.  She left him penniless.

Tèt chaje! Toto pèdi ni sak ni krab. Li pèdi lanmou. Li pèdi madanm. Li pèdi  lajan li. Li pèdi diyite l. Ou konn tande yo di gason pa kriye. Ah! tande ak wè se de, misye te kriye kon yon ti bebe.
It's a dilemma indeed!  Toto lost everything.  He lost his love.  He lost his wife.  He lost his money.  He lost his dignity.  You hear they say that men don't cry.  Well, seeing is believing, he cried like baby.

Depi lè sa a Toto pran lavi a ak degou.  Li te toujou kenbe espwa ke yon jou Janèt va tounen vin jwenn ni.
Since then Toto had a distaste for life.  He always held hope that one day Janet will come back to him.

Men se pa sa ki te fèt. Janèt pa’t ka viv ak sa l te fè a.  Dezespwa anpare l.  L’al lage tèt li devan yon tap-tap.
But that's not what happened.  Janet couldn't live with what she did.  She was overcome with despair.  She went and threw herself in front of a tap-tap.

Anbilans te vini, men pa’t gen anyen yo te ka fè pou sove l.
The ambulance came, but there was nothing they could do to save her
Janèt al bwachat.  Toto pran nouvèl la.  Se te abse mete sou klou.  Toto pran kabann, li pa janm leve.  Chagren touye l.
Janet died.  Toto heard about it.  It was a bad situation that became worse.  He became ill in bed, and never recovered.  He died of a broken heart.
Mezanmi o! Ala de tèt chaje.
Man! What a dilemma!
Enhen! Pawòl nan bon ti manmit nou ba w la.
Uh huh! We told you the story accurately.
Track: Jou Ouvè by Malavoi

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. Mèsi anpil! Kimoun ekri sa?

    Kisa mo "kochèt" vle di?


    1. Anfòm :)
      Se mwen menm ki ekri tout “audio post” yo pou lemoman.

      Kòchèt is a hook (a punch) in boxing
