Sunday, March 10, 2013

Kay Doktè a (AUDIO)

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The doctor:  Bonjou madanm.

The patient:  Bonjou doktè.

The doctor:  Kòman m kapab ede w jodi a Madanm?
                      How can I help you today ma'am?

The patient:  Doktè, mwen pa byen ditou ditou.  Tout kò m ap fè m mal.
                      Doctor, I'm not well at all.  My whole body hurts.

The doctor:  Kisa k ap fè w mal egzakteman?
                      What's hurting you exactly?

The patient Depi de(2) jou vant mwen ap fè m mal. Mwen gen tètfèmal.  
                   Mwen gen feblès.  Mwen tèlman fèb, mwen pa menm ka mache. 
                   Enpi  m santi m toudi toudi.
                    Since two days my stomach's been hurting.  I have a headache.
                    I have weakness.  I'm so weak, I can't even walk.
                    And I feel so dizzy.
The doctor:  E kisa ki fè doulè w vin miyò?
                      And what makes the pain better?

The patient Anyen ditou.
                      Nothing at all.

The doctor:  Eske kò fè mal la vin ak lafyèv?
                      Does the body ache come with fever?

The patient:  Non doktè.  M  pa santi lafyèv non.
                      No doctor. I don't feel any fever.

The doctor:  Eske w’ap touse?
                       Are you coughing?

The patient:  Non doktè, mwen pa gen tous non.
                    No doctor, I don't have a cough.

The doctor:  Eske w gen dyare? 
                    Do you have diarrhea?

The patient:  Non doktè.  M pa ni gen dyare, ni konstipe.
                    No doctor.  I neither have diarrhea nor am I constipated.

The doctor:  Kisa ou te manje maten an madanm?
                     What did you eat this morning ma'am?

The patient:  Maten an, mwen pa’t manje anyen non.
                    This morning, I ate nothing.

The doctor:  E kisa ou te manje ?
                     And what did you eat yesterday?

The patient:  Ayè, mwen pa’t manje anyen nonplistou.
                   Yesterday, I didn't eat anything either.

The doctor:  Ou pa manje anyen menm pou de jou!!!!!!?
                    You did not eat anything at all for two days!!!!?

The patient:  Anyen menm doktè….  Mwen p’ap travay.  
                   E mwen pa gen mwayen pou m nouri tèt mwen.
                   Nothing at all doctor. .... I'm not working.
                   And I don't have the means to feed myself.
The doctor:  A! mwen wè pwoblèm ou.
                    Ah! I see your problem.

The patient:  O! ou wè pwoblèm nan doktè?! Eske w’ap ban m yon preskripsyon?
                    O! You do see the problem doctor?  Will you give me a prescription?

The doctor:  Wi. Madanm, men yon ti kafe ak bonbon.  Manje li konnya.
                    Yes ma'am, here's a little coffee and cookies.  Eat it now.

The patient:  Mèsi doktè.   ... Li bon.   Ou pa vle yon ti kal doktè, non?
                    Thanks doctor. ...Hmm it's tasty.  You don't want a piece doctor?

The doctor:  Non, m manje deja. ... konnya, kijan w santi w?
                    No, I ate already.  ...And now, how do you feel?

The patient:  Doktè, m santi m yon ti jan miyò.  Mwen santi enèji ap tounen nan kò m 
                    ankò.  Mwen santi m anfòm nèt doktè. Mèsi!
                     Doctor, I feel a little better.  I feel the energy coming back into my
                     body again.  I feel wonderful doctor.  Thank you!

The doctor:  Dakò.  Mwen pral refere w pou ale nan Centre Catholique la.  Di yo se 
                    mwen ki voye w.  Yo va ede w jwenn kèk pwovizyon e petèt 
                    yon ti travay tou.
                      Great.  I'll refer you to the Centre Catholique.  Tell them I sent you.
                       They'll help you get some groceries and perhaps a little job

The patient:  Mèsi anpil doktè.

The doctor:  Enpi mwen rekòmande w pou al lakay ou.  Bwè yon gwo tas kafe e manje 
                   yon asyèt manje.  E ou va santi w pi miyò toujou.   
                     And I recommend that you go home.  Drink a big cup of coffee and eat
                     a plate of food.  And you'll feel even better still.                 

The patient:  Ou se yon bon doktè.  Gade kijan mwen vini tou malad.  Enpi ou gentan 
                    fè m santi m byen enganm.  Mèsi anpil!
                     You're such a good doctor.  Look how I came all sickly.  And you've
                      already made me strong.  Thanks a lot!

The doctor:  Orevwa madam

The patient:  Orevwa doktè

Track: M'a Prale by TiCorn

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. :)

    These are fun! Keep them coming!

  2. kamsa hamnida(Mesi anoil)
    men, can you please record the doctor's voice
    a little bit louder ?

    1. I mean 'Mesi anpil'

    2. Dakò. It's been edited a little bit louder.
      I'll have Hans (our guy) speak a little louder in the next recordings.

      Pase bon jounen :)

  3. Ala bel vwa, Manda :)..I have also found man's voice from Yon ti vizit story very cool and intriguing...Sounds like some mysterious voice from movies....Chapo ba pou nou toude!

    Btw, robot thing pral touye mwen...lollllll

    1. LOL! Mèsi anpil :)
      You are so funny!

      The voice is Hans'.
