Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Yon machin tèt chaje? (Audio)

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- Mezanmi bòs! Eskize m deske m anreta jodi a.
  Oh my goodness boss! I am sorry for being late today.

-Sa fè twazyèm fwa nan semèn nan ou vin travay anreta.  Si sa rive ankò, m’ap oblije kite w ale. Konpani an pa kapab pwogrese si travayè yo pa bay sanpousan.
 (Lit: This makes the third time this week you come to work late.) This is the third time you're late to work this week. If this happens again, I'll have to let you go.  The company can't progress if the workers don't give one hundred percent.

-Se pa fòt mwen non, bòs.  Machin mwen te anpàn.  Se apye m vin travay jodi a.
  It's not my fault boss. My car broke down.  (Lit: It is on foot I came to work today) I walked to work today. 

-Chak kon ou vin travay anreta ou ban m menm koze machin anpàn nan. Kijan fè machin ou anpàn chak jou? Se pa machin ou fenk achte mwa pase a?
 Every time you come to work late you give the same story of your car breaking down.  How come your car breaks down everyday?  Isn't it the car you just bought last month?

-Wi se li menm menm.  Trouve ke machin sa a se yon machin tèt chaje.  Chak jou li ban m yon pwoblèm diferan.
  Yes it is indeed that same car.  It so happens that this car is a piece of junk.  Everyday it has a different problem.

-Ki kalite pàn li genyen menm?
 What kind of problems does it have precisely?

-Enben Lotrejou motè a tonbe chofe nan men m.  Anvanyè, se te pàn batri l te genyen.  E maten an, malgre tout mannèv m fè, li pa’t fouti derape. Se chak jou mwen kay mekanisyen.
 Well, the other day it started heating up.  The day before yesterday it had battery trouble.  And this morning, in spite of all the manipulation I did, it couldn't start.  (Lit: It is everyday I am at the mechanic's) I am at the mechanic's every day.

-Nan sitiyasyon sa a, m ta konseye w si machin nan sou garanti toujou,  pote machin nan tounen kote w t’achte l la.  Fè yo remèt ou lajan w – enpi achte youn ki pi bon.  Paske si sa ap kontinye konsa ou sanlè pèdi dyòb ou – e m pa ta vle sa fèt.
In this situation I would advise you, if the car still has a warranty, to bring the car back where you had bought it.  Have them give you your money back - and then buy a better one.  For if this continues you're on the brink of losing your job.  And I wouldn't want this to happen.

-Dakò se sa m’ap fè.    Petèt m’a kabap boukante l enpi achte yon lòt. 
 Agree, that's what I'll do. Maybe I'll be able to exchange it and buy another one.

- Tanpri fè sa san pèdi tan.
   Please, do this right away

-Men annatandan, bòs, eske ou konnen yon moun ki ka ban m woulib pou vin travay  rès semèn sa a?
  But in the mean time, boss, do you know someone that can give me a ride in order to come to work the rest of the week?

-Madanm, m’ap okipe zafè travay ou, mwen pa ka okipe zafè transpòtasyon w tou. Pifò anplwaye nan konpani an pa gen machin.  Genyen ki vin travay apye, genyen ki vin travay nan bis – men yo pa janm anreta.  Alò chache degaje w pou tèt pa w.
 Man'm, I'm taking care of your job situation, I can't take care of your transportation too. Most employees in the company don't have a car.  Some come to work on foot, some come to work by bus. but they're never late.  So try to manage on your own.

-Dakò bòs mwen konprann.  Mwen va la demen maten bonè bonè.
  Yes boss I understand.  I will be here tomorrow very early.

-M pa bezwen w vin bonè non, mwen senpleman bezwen w vin alè.
 I don't need you to come earl , I simply need you to come on time.

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