pills → grenn, konprime, or pilil
medicine → medikaman, remèd
laxative → medsin, pigatif, lòk
liquid medicine → siwo
ointment → pomad, ponmad
medicine → medikaman, remèd
laxative → medsin, pigatif, lòk
liquid medicine → siwo
ointment → pomad, ponmad
Just discovered this web site. I am Creole however; I was not taught to speak. I know words and phrases but wish to learn more. Is there a translation portion of this or other website ? I am hoping to get the pronounciation(s) right.
Jeanine Cousin
Hi Jeanine, the audio posts in the following link may be helpful. http://sweetcoconuts.blogspot.com/search/label/AUDIO%20LESSON