Bonjou! Learn to Speak Haitian Creole

Bonjou! ...Mèsi! ...E Orevwa! Search for English or Haitian Creole words translation. Also search the whole site for expressions, idioms and grammar rules. And ask questions about the language in the ASK QUESTIONS HERE section.

Most requested translations added here for your convenience: I love you → Mwen renmen w. I miss you → Mwen sonje w. My love!Lanmou mwen!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

In the Classroom (a few useful sentences)

the school principal
direktè lekòl la

English class
kou Angle
klas Angle

pen and paper
plim ak papye

pencil and paper
kreyon ak papye

Good grades – bon nòt
Bad grades - move nòt

To have good grades – fè bon nòt
To have bad grades – fè move nòt

Take an exam / Take a test
pran egzamen

Pass the exam.
Pase egzamen an.

Fail the exam.
Echwe egzamen an
Pa pase egzamen an

Homework for tomorrow/next week
Devwa pou demen/semèn pwochèn

Fill in the blanks.
Ranpli espas vid yo.

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
Ranpli espas vid yo ak bon repons lan.

Write your first and last name.
Ekri prenon w ak non ou.

How do you say your name?
Kouman yo pwononse non w?

I love teaching. - Mwen renmen anseye.

I take attendance.   -  Mwen fè apèl.

I don’t take attendance.  - Mwen pa fè apèl.

Can you tell me what that means?
Eske ou kapap di mwen sa sa vle di?

Can you repeat the question?
Eske ou kapap repete kesyon an?

How would you say ‘…….’ In English?
Kouman ou ta di ‘…….’ An Angle?

Let me know if I talk too fast.  Epi, ma va ralanti.
Kite’m konnen si’m pale twò vit.  And, I’ll slow down.

Write two or three paragraphs on ...
Ekri de ou twa paragraf sou ...

Make a sentence with ...
Fè yon fraz avèk ...

You may raise your hands to ask a question at any time during the class.
Nou mèt leve men nou pou poze yon kesyon nenpòt lè pandan klas la.

It’s important to take notes, but it more important to interact in English.
Li enpòtan pou pran nòt, men li pi enpòtan pou nou konvèse an Angle.

We have a lot to cover in this class.
Nou gen pou kouvri anpil sijè nan klas sa a.

There will be a quiz every week, on what we had learned during that week.
Ap genyen yon ti egzamen chak semèn, sou sa nou te aprann nan semèn nan.

Have a good weekend / afternoon!
Pase bon weekend / apremidi


  1. You are kinda sorta the best...and the fastest...meci anpil anpil!
