Bonjou! Learn to Speak Haitian Creole

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Most requested translations added here for your convenience: I love you → Mwen renmen w. I miss you → Mwen sonje w. My love!Lanmou mwen!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Vocabulary Word List (English - Haitian Creole)

Vocabulary word list
Vocabulary words ---- English - Creole (This list of vocabulary words is placed here for Custom Google search purpose)
a bit much - twòp
act (n) - zak
act (v) - aji
accident - aksidan
after - apre
again - ankò
against - kont
age - laj
ago - pase
agree - dakò
air - lè
airport - aewopò
align - aliyen
almighty - tou pisan
almost - preske
alone - pou kont + subject
all - tout
A lot - Anpil
anger - kòlè
angry - fache
animals - bèt
Any - Okenn
answer (n) - repons
answer (v) - reponn
any body - nenpòt moun
anything - nenpòt bagay
anywhere - nenpòt kote
apologize - mande eskiz
apple - pòm
april fools - pwason davril
armchair - kanape
armpit - zesèl
arrest - arete
ask - mande
available - disponib
Avocados - zaboka
avoid - evite
Baby - bebe
baby bottle - bibon
backside - do
back - do
Bad - move
Bag - valiz
bald - chòv
ball - boul
banana- fig
Bark - Jape
bathing suit - chòtdeben
bathroom - twalèt
barter - machande
basket - panye
beach - plaj
beat up - bat
Bed - Kabann
beer - byè
before - avan, anvan
behave - konpòte
behavior - konpòtman
belly - vant
belly ache - vant fè mal
bench - ban
bible - bib
Big - gwo
Bird - Zwazo
bite (v) - mòde
bite (n) - kout dan
block (v) - bloke, bay baryè
Blouse - kòsaj
blow - soufle
body - kò
boil, boiled - bouyi
bone - zo
Book - liv
bookstore - libreri
boots - bòt
born - fèt
Boy - gason
boyfriend - menaj
boy's underwear - slip, kalson
braid (n) - très
braid (v) - trese
brake - frennen
bread - pen
break (n) - rekreasyon, repo
break (v) - kase, kraze
break wind - pete, fè van
breast - tete
breath - souf
breathe - respire
breathe in! - rale souf ou!
breathe out! - lage souf ou!
bridge - pon
Bring - pote
broken - kraze, kase
brother - frè
brush (n) - bwòs
brush (v) - bwose
build - bati
burn - boule
busy - okipe
Buy - achete
cake - gato
call - rele (phone call - koutfil)
call truce - byen
can (container)- mamit
can (v) - kapab
candle - bouji
candy - sirèt
Car - machin
car accident - aksidan machin
care (n) - swen
care (v) - swanye
carrot - kawòt
carry - pote
cartoon - desen anime
cat - chat
catch - atrape
Chair - chèz
cheap - bon mache ( this dress is cheap - rad sa bon mache)
cheap - di, peng (this guy is cheap - mesye sa peng)
Cheat in class - kopye
Cheat (infidelity in relationship) - bay zoklo, fè pa chat, gen lòt moun sou kote
cherries - seriz
chest - lestomak, pwatrin
chest pain - doulè kè
Child - pitit, timoun
chocolate - chokola
choke - toufe
church - legliz
clap - bat men
clap (to encourage) - bat bravo
Class - klas
claw - grif
Clean (n) - Pwòp
Clean (v) - netwaye
clean - pwòp
clock - revèy
close - fèmen
clothes, clothing - rad
cloud - nwaj
clown - lamayòt
cob-web - fil arenye
coconut - Kokoye
color - koulè
comb (v) - penyen
Come - vini, vin
come again - vini ankò
come back - retounen
come in - antre
come out - soti
complain - plenyen, konplent
Concert - konsè
comfort (n) - soulajman
comfort (v) - soulaje
confused - trouble
cookie - bonbon
cost (n) - pri
cost (v) - koute
cough (n) - tous
cough (v) - touse
count - konte
Country - Peyi
courthouse - tribinal
cover (n) - kouvèti
cover (v) - kouvri
crazy - fou (You drive me crazy! - wap fè m fou!)
crib - bèso
criminals - kriminèl
crooked - kwochi
cross, cross over (v) - travèse, janbe (you got to cross the hallway to get to my room - fòk ou travèse koulwa a pou rive nan chanm mwen an) (I'll help you to cross the street - m ap ede w janbe lari a)
cry - kriye
cucumber - konkonm
Cup - gode
Cut - koupe
dance - danse
Day - Jou
dead - mouri
deaf - soud
delicious - gou, gen bon gou
diaper - kouchèt
die, dead - mouri
Difficult - difisil
dining room - salamanje
Dirty - Sal
disappear - disparèt
Distress - detrès
Doctor - doktè
Dogs - chyen
do - fè (Ki sa w ap fè? or Sa wap fè? = What are you doing?)
doing well - mache byen
doll - poupe
dream (n)- rèv
dream (v) - reve
Dress (n) - rad
dress (v) - abiye
drink (n) - bweson
Drink (v) - bwè
drip (v) - degoute
drip (n) - gout
Drive - Kondwi
drum - tanbou
dust - pousyè
eggs - ze
early - bonè
ears - zòrèy
earrings - zanno
Easy - fasil
Eat - Manje
edit - korije
erase - efase
earth - tè
earthquake - tranblemann tè
endless - san fen
enough - ase
enroll - aplike
erect - kanpe dwat
Even if - menm si
Even though - malgre
Every - Chak
evil - dyabolik, satanik
exam - egzamen
exercise - egzèsis, fè spò
eyeglasses - linèt
eyes - zye, je
face - figi, vizaj
Fall (v)- tonbe
Fall (n) - so
Fall (season) - otòn
fear (n, v) - pè
feel - santi
family - fanmi
Fast - vit
February - fevriye
feminine, female - feminen
fight - batay, goumen
finger - dwèt
fire - dife
fired - revoke. (You're fired! - M revoke w!) (he got fired - yo revoke li)
firefly - koukouy
first - premye
five - senk
flame - flanm
Flight - vòl
floor - atè
Flower - Flè
fò - strong, loud
foam (n) - kim
foam (v) - kimen
follow - swiv
For - Pou
forget - bliye
Fortunately - bondye fè, erezman, bonn chans pou (subject).
Fòs - strength
Four - Kat
free (adj, not pay for object) - gratis
free (adj, attain freedom) - lib
free (v) - libere
freedom - libète
Friend - zanmi
friendship - zanmitay, zanmitye
frog - crapo
from - de, soti
from... to... - de... a... OR soti... rive...
from time to time - detanzantan
frozen - jele, tounen glas
fruits - fwi
full - plen
fullfill - akonpli
fun, pleasure - plezi, banbòch
funny - komik
gait - balans
game - jwèt
Get ready - prepare
get up - leve
gift - kado
Girl - Ti fi
girlfriend - menaj
give - ba, ban, bay
give birth - akouche
glass (to drink) - vè
glass (window at home) - vit
glass (window in a shop) - vitrine
gloves - gan
glow - briye
Go - Ale, (let's go - An nou ale)
gold - lò
Good - bon
goodness - bonte
gossip (n) - tripotay, tripòt
gossip (v) - fè tripotay
group - gwoup, koleksyon
Grapefruit - Chadèk
grass - zèb
grow - grandi
guests - vizitè, etranje
guitar - gita
hair - cheve
hallway - koulwa
hang - pann
Happy - kontan
hard - di, difisil
Hat - Chapo
have - gen or genyen
head - tèt
headache - maltèt
health - sante
hear - tande
heart - kè
heart attack - kriz kadyak
heat - chalè
heavy - lou
hell - lanfè. (go to hell - ale w laba!)
help - ede
here - isi, la
here I am - men mwen
high - wo, anwo
high heels shoes - talon kikit
hold - kenbe, gade
homework - devwa
hope - espwa
horse - cheval, chwal
hospital - lopital
hot - cho
hot pepper - piman
House - kay
hum - fredone
hungry - grangou
hurricane - siklòn
hurry - prese, fè vit
hurry up! - fè vit!
ice - glas
icy or cold - glase
In - nan
inside - andedan, anndan
Intravenous medication or IV - sewòm
iron (n) - fè
iron (v) - repase
itch - grate
jewelry - bijou
joke - blag
journalists, news anchor - jounalis
joy - jwa
judge (n) - jij
judge (v) - jije
juice - ji (orange juice - ji zoranj)
Jump - Sote, ponpe
keep - kenbe, gade
Kick - choute, voye pye, bay kout pye
Kick a ball - choute yon boul ( he kicked the ball into the goal - li choute boul la nan gòl la)
Kick someone - bay kout pye (I kicked him - m ba l kout pye) (she kicked me - li ban-m kout pye)
(She was Kicking and screaming - li tap voye pye)
kid - pitit, timoun
kitchen - kwizin
knot - ne
know - konnen
knowledge - konesans
lack - manke
lady - fanm, nègès (nègès is a non vulgar word which means black woman. It is synonymous with "classic black beauty")(another word that means "beautiful black woman" is marabou)
language - lang
lamp - lanp
lap - janm
Large - gran
last - dènye
late (time) - ta, anreta: (it's late - li ta) - (I am late - m anreta)
late (the dead) - defen
laugh - ri
law - lwa
lawyer - avoka
leaf - fèy
learn - aprann
left (direction) - goch
Lesson - leson
let go - lage, kite ale
Let's - Ann, An nou
Letter - lèt
lettuce - leti
lick - niche
lie (n) - manti
lie (v, not telling the truth) manti
lie down - kouche
life's crazy! - lavi a dwòl!
light - limyè
limp - bwete
Little - piti
listen - koute
living room - salon
load (n) - chaj
load (v) - chaje
lock (n) - kadna
lock (v) - klete
loin - fouk
Long - Lonng
Look at - gade
Look for - chache
Lose - pèdi
Love - Renmen
low - ba
luck - chans
lucky - gen chans a (you're lucky - ou gen chans)
Luggage - malèt
magnet - leman
magnify - agrandi
maiden - jennfi
mail (n) - lèt
mail (v) - poste
mailbox - bwat postal
main - prensipal
maintain - mentni, kenbe
make - fè, fèt
make love - fè lanmou
makeup (beauty products) - makiyaj
makeup (to reconcile) - byen
man - mesye, gason, nèg (nèg is creole for negro which means black man. It's a non vulgar term. Haitians use it often.)
many - anpil
marriage - maryaj
marry, married - marye
masculine, male - maskilen
mattress - matla
may (v) - mèt
may (month - me
maybe - petèt
mean (v) - sinyifye
mean (not nice) - malouk
meat - viann (chicken - viann poul, beef - viann bèf, pork - viann kochon)
meet - rankontre
medicine - medikaman
memory - memwa
merchant - machann
merchandise - machandiz
mess - gagòt, melimelo
milk - lèt
mistake - erè
missing - manke
mix - melanje, brase
moan - plenn
money - kòb, lajan
moon - lalin
more (adj) - plis
more (superlative) - pi
mosquito - moustik
mouth - bouch
move - deplase, bouje
moving (leaving a house) - demenaje
music - mizik
must - fòk, dwe
mute - bèbè
Nail (fingers) - zong
Nail (hardware)- clou
naked - toutouni
nap (v) - kabicha
nation - nasyon, pèp
necklace - chèn
Need - bezwen
needle - zegwi
Neighbor - Vwazen
neighborhood - vwazinaj
New - nèf
News - Nouvèl
night - nwit
Night - Nwit
Nothing - anyen
Not ripe - wòwòt
Not yet - poko (which is a contraction for Pa ankò)
No one, nobody - okenn moun, pa gen moun
now - kounye a
number - nimewo
nun - mè
Nurse - enfimyè
often - Souvan
Occupation, trade - metye
Old - vye
On, over, on top - sou
one - en (when you're counting)
one - youn (description)
Only - sèlman
On the floor/ground - atè a
overseas - lòt bò dlo
pail - bokit
pain - doulè
painful - fèmal
Paint - pentire
Pant (clothing) - pantalon
panties (feminine underwear) - kilòt, pantalèt
participate - patisipe
party - fèt
Pass - Pase
pastor - pastè
Pencil - Kreyon
people - moun, pèp
Piece of paper - mòso papye
place - kote
plate - plat, asyèt
please - tanpri souple
pole - poto (light pole - poto limyè)
police officer - polis
pool - pisin
pop - pete
post office - lapòs
pour - vide
pray - priyè, lapriyè
priest - pè
prison - prizon
prohibit - intèdi
pull - tire
pull up - monte (pull up your pants - monte pantalon w) (pull up the window - monte fenèt la)
quiet - pe
quietness - silans
rain - lapli (it's raining. - l ap fè lapli.)
rainbow - akansyèl
Read - li
Ready - pare
receive - resevwa
recognize - rekonèt
Red - Wouj
rent (n) - lwaye
rent (v) - lwe
repair - repare
Ring (jewelry) - bag --------- (wedding ring - bag maryaj)
ripe - mi
river - rivyè
road - wout, chemen
rock - ròch
roll - roule
roof - tèt kay, twa kay
Room - chanm
rope - kòd
round - won
Run - kouri
sad - tris
sale - vant
salt - sèl
Salty - sale
same - menm
save - sove, sere
school - lekòl
scratch - grate
search - chache, fouye
seat - plas
sermon - prèch
serve - sèvi
See - wè
sell - vann
send - voye
shadow - lombraj
shake - souke
shame - wont
shameless - sanwont
share - separe, pataje
shave - raze
sheet (bedding) - dra
sheet of paper - fèy papye
shiny - briyan
Shirt - Chemiz
shock (n) - sezisman
shock (v) - sezi, fè sezisman
Shoe - soulye
Shop (n) - magazen
Short - kout
short of breath - respirasyon kout
shot (medicine)- piki
shower - benyen (he's taking a shower - l ap benyen)
shrink (v) - ratresi
shy - timid
sick - malad
silver - ajan
Sing - Chante
Sit - Chita
size - gwosè
skin - po
Skirts - Jip
Sky - Syèl
Sleep - dòmi
slide - glise
slim - mens
slip (v) - glise
Slow - dousman
Slow Down - ralanti
Small - piti
Smoke (n) - lafimen
smoke (v) - fimen
snake - koulèv
snore - wonfle
snow - nèj
soccer - foutbòl
sock - chosèt
soul - nanm
sofa - fotèy
soil - tè
south - sid
speak - pale
speed (n) - vitès
speed (v) - ale vit, ale ak tout boulin
spell (v) - eple
spin - vire
spinach - zepina
spit - krache
split - separe, pataje
sport - espò, spò
spread (v) - layite, ouvri, louvri
square - kare
squat down - akoupi
squeeze - peze
stadium - stadyòm
stand - kanpe
star - zetwal
start - kòmanse
Stay - Rete
stick - pikèt
stomach - vant
stomachache - malvant
stop - sispann
straight - dwat
strand (n) - fil
straw (dries stalks) - pay
straw (thin tube to drink) - chalimo
strawberries - frèz
stream - rigòl, kanal
stretch - detire
strength - fòs
stroll - pwonmnen
strong - fò
student - elèv
stuff (n) - bagay
stuff (v) - boure
sugar - sik
stupid - sòt, bouki
suck (to pull in with tongue) - souse
sun - solèy
sunglasses - linèt solèy
surgery - operasyon
sweet - dous
Sweetheart - cheri, boubout, chouboulout, kòkòt, anmourèz
swell - anfle, gonfle
swim - naje
syrup - siwo
T-Shirt - mayo
tackle - krible
tail - ke
take - pran
Talk - Pale, koze
tall - wo
tardy - anreta
taste (n) - gou
taste (v) - goute
tea - te
Teach - Ensenye
teacher - pwofesè
team - ekip
tear - chire
tell - rakonte
Test - tès, Egzamen
thaw - dejele
the - a, la, an, lan, nan,
Theater - Teat
the floor - atè a
thing - bagay
think - panse
Thirsty - swaf
thought - panse
three - twa
throat - gòj
throat pain or sore throat - malgòj
throw - voye
tie (men's clothing worn around the neck) - kòl, kravat
tie (v.) - mare ( make a big knot when you tie the rope - fè yon gwo ne lè w mare kòd la)
tight - sere
tile - mozayik
Time (hour, min, sec) - tan
time (frequency) - fwa
Tire - Kaoutyou
Tired - fatige
to - a, pou
Toilet - twalèt
tomato - tomat
tongue - lang
Too much - twòp
tool - zouti
tool box - bwat zouti
tooth - dan
toothache - maldan
toothbrush - bwòsadan
touch - manyen
Tourist - Touris
toy - jwèt
Translate - Tradwi
travel (n) - vwayaj
travel (v) - vwayaje
tree - pye bwa
trim - taye
Trouble - pwoblèm
turn (n, maneuver) - devire ( he made a big turn - li fè yon gran devire)
turn (n, opportunity) - kou (it's your turn to drive - se kou pa w pou kondwi)
turn (v) - vire ( Turn here - Vire la)
two - de
truck - kamyon
true - vre
trust (n) - konfyans
trust (v) - konfye
truth - verite
twice - de fwa
twist - makònen
ugly - lèd
umbilical cord - kòd lonbrit
Uncle - Tonton
under - anba
underground - anbatè
Unfortunately - malerezman, malchans pou (subject).
United States - Etazini
unload - dechaje
unwrap - dekachte
up - anlè, anwo
upstairs - chanmòt
used - ize
urine - pipi
use - itilize
vegetables - vejetab
virgin - vyèj
violin - vyolon
voice - vwa
volunteer - volontè
vomit - vomi
wag - souke
wait - tann
wait out - pare
wake up - reveye
walk - mache, pase
wall - mi, miray
want - vle
war - lagè
warn - avèti
wash - lave
waste (n) - fatra, gaspiyaj
waste (v) - jete, gaspiye
watch (v) - gade, veye
watch (jewelry) - mont
watch televesion - gade televizyon
water - dlo
watercress - kreson
way (direction) - chemen, wout
way (method) fason
wax (v) - sire
Weak - fèb
weather - tan
Week - semèn
wed - marye
wedding - maryaj
weep - kriye
weigh - peze
well - byen
wet - mouye
whatever - nenpòt kisa
whisper - chichote
white - blan
who, which, that, whom - ki
wide - laj
Wife - madanm
will - volonte
win - genyen
wind - van
window - fenèt
wing - zèl
winner - ganyan
wipe (v) - siye
With - Avèk, ak, a
within - andedan, anndan
without - san
witless, klutz - bouki
Woman -fanm
wood - bwa
word - mo, pawòl
work - travay
worth (v) - vo
worth (n) - valè
wring - tòde
wrinkle - pli
Write - ekri
yard - lakou
yank - rale, rache
yawn - baye
yes - wi
yield - kite pase
young - jèn
younger - pi jèn
young man - jennjan
young woman - jennfi
youth - jenès


  1. mwen apreswe sa ampil..mesi pou bon travay.VIV la lang kreyol

  2. Just a phrase maybe

  3. This site is very helpful. Is there any word for PLAN or PROGRESS or JOB or EMPLOYMENT?

  4. plan → planifikasyon, plan
    progress → pwogrè
    job → travay, dyòb
    employment → travay, dyòb, anplwaman

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  6. this was absolutely correct thankyou

  7. Esto me sera de gran ayuda con mi esposo jean joseph yo ana ponce

  8. that's good to know :) Gracias!

  9. Anybody knows the meaning for "lanmeera"?

  10. This site/page is jam packed with everything I was looking for! I am learning Haitian Creole from a friend of mine is a native of Haiti. Im native to Britian and its like wow! to stumble upon this site. Thanks to all who made this happen.

  11. ou konne kijan ou te fe l fasil pou mwen... mesi ampil.. hope you understand what i am saying.. but later after reading more of your lectures here i would be speaker of creole..

    1. Yes I understand. I am very happy for you :)
      Keep it up.

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