Bonjou! Learn to Speak Haitian Creole

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Most requested translations added here for your convenience: I love you → Mwen renmen w. I miss you → Mwen sonje w. My love!Lanmou mwen!

Monday, August 15, 2011

When (as conjunction) → lè, kou

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Bonswa mezanmi! 
Hello everyone!

Kouman nou ye?
How are you all doing?

Mwen espere ke tout bagay byen.
I hope that all is well.

When (as conjunction)

Creole speakers will translate when as "kou" or "lè"

1. Rele mwen kou ou fini. or
    Rele mwen ou fini.
    Call me when you're done.

2. Kou nou reveye, na pati. or
    nou reveye, na pati.
    When we wake up, we'll leave.

3. Kou tout moun rive, na kòmanse manje.  or
    tout moun rive, na kòmanse manje.
    When everyone arrives, we'll start eating.

4. Nou tout dwe kanpe kou jij la parèt. or
    Nou tout dwe kanpe jij la parèt.
    You all must stand when the judge comes out.

5. Kou li antre, tout moun dwe rele "Sipriz!" or
    Lè li antre, tout moun dwe rele "Sipriz!"   
   When she comes in, everyone must yell "Surprise!"

When →
6.  mwen te jènn, mwen te pi fò.
     When I was young, I was stronger.

7. lè a rive, ma va di ou.  or
 → Kou lè a rive, ma va di ou.
    When the time comes, I'll tell you.

8. timoun kriye, syèl la kriye tou.  or
    Kou timoun kriye, syèl la kriye tou.
    When kids cry, heaven cries too

9. Tout kote pre ou gen machin.  or
     Tout kote pre kou w gen machin.
     Every place is within spitting distance when you're by car.

10. novanm rive, li kòmanse fè frèt. or
      Kou novanm rive, li kòmanse fè frèt.
      When November's here, it starts to get cold.

Se tout pou jodi a.  Mèsi e orevwa
That's all for today.  Thanks and goodbye. 
Tracks:  Reyinyon Konbit by Manno charlemagne


  1. Great lesson! How long should one study this language to be able to speak like The people of Haiti? I can't seem to say the words fast enough without messing up. I really want to learn this language because my in-laws- are Haitian and I want to be able to speak to them in their own Language! Thank you for this Web Site!

  2. Thanks! I'm glad this site helps.
    You seem to be at a relatively favorable position. Being surrounded by people who speak the language will help you to learn the diction faster.
    Talk to them in Creole as much as you can.
    Imitate their vocal expression if you can.
    Hang in there and keep at it.
    You're on the right track.
