Map toujou renmen ou pou lavi.
I'll always love you for life.
Bonjou! Learn to Speak Haitian Creole
Bonjou! ...Mèsi! ...E Orevwa! Search for English or Haitian Creole words translation. Also search the whole site for expressions, idioms and grammar rules. And ask questions about the language in the ASK QUESTIONS HERE section.
Most requested translations added here for your convenience: I love you → Mwen renmen w. I miss you → Mwen sonje w. My love! → Lanmou mwen!
Most requested translations added here for your convenience: I love you → Mwen renmen w. I miss you → Mwen sonje w. My love! → Lanmou mwen!
Friday, September 30, 2011
what does map toujour renmen ou pou la vi means?
Mwen se yon nèg ki pa dekouraje
Mwen se yon nèg ki pa dekouraje.
I am a man who doesn't give up easily.
You sent a similar sentence yesterday.
If you scroll down the screen, and check the posts on the date you sent it,
you will find it. Thanks :)
I am a man who doesn't give up easily.
You sent a similar sentence yesterday.
If you scroll down the screen, and check the posts on the date you sent it,
you will find it. Thanks :)
Correct spelling: Dekabès or 2kbès
Dekabès → jackpòt, a winning hand when playing dominnos, great find, great winnings!
Ou fè dekabès! → you have the winning hand! You rule! You're on top!
i just wanted to say thanks for your blog! seriously thanks! (i'm not looking for a translation now - but maybe some other time)!
I'm glad you took the time to say thanks :)
How do you pronounce the names, Islene and Valcin?
Islène → (pronunciation ee-ss-le-n)
The underline letter "e" is pronounced as the "e" in the english word "get".
Valcin → (pronounciation v-ahl-sen)
Do not vocalize the letter "n" at the end.
where is the plunger
plunger (for blocked sink) - debouchwa
Where is the plunger? → kote debouchwa a?
Se pa kounye...
Se pa kounye a...
It's been a long time since...
It's been some time...
Se pa kounye a m'ap rele w non!
I've been calling you for some time!
Is there a difference between paske, piske and akoz de?
paske → because
I am going to lie down because I'm tired.
Mwen pral kouche paske mwen fatige.
piske → since, because of, in view of, on account of
I'm going home since you don't want to talk to me.
Mwen pral lakay mwen piske ou pa vle pale avè m.
akoz de → because of, as a result of, as a consequence
I'm able to see better because of the surgery.
Mwen kapab wè miyò akoz de operasyon an.
Going on a first date. Dating. Going out to dinner. Going to a restaurant. Boyfriend/girlfriend.
Boyfriend → menaj
Girlfriend → menaj
Going to a restaurant.
Ale nan yon restoran.
Let's go eat out.
An ale manje nan yon restoran.
An ale manje deyò.
Let's go out to dinner.
An al dine deyò.
An al dine nan yon restoran.
We're dating.
Nou renmen.
Nou ansanm.
Nou fè menaj.
What's the difference between kijan and koman?
Kijan, kouman, and kòman, all means "how".You may use them interchangeably.
How are you?
Kouman ou ye? or
kijan ou ye? or
kòman ou ye?
How did you do on your exam?
Kouman ou te kompoze? or
kijan ou te konpoze? or
Kòman ou te konpoze?
How's the food?
Kouman manje a ye? or
Kijan manje a ye? or
Kòman manje a ye?
How do I say "See you, God willing"
God willing → sidyevle, si dye vle, si Bondye vle
See you tomorrow God willing
Na wè demen si Bondye vle.
how you say enjoy yourself and god bless you love you
Enjoy yourself.
Pran plezi ou.
Anmize tèt ou byen.
God bless you.
Bondye beni ou.
We love you.
Nou renmen ou.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Can you tell me what 'diplo sa a setifye' means in Creole. Or do I need a "m" after the diplo? I want to say "this award certifies that" I'm hoping if it's french it will be OK as is because I'm using a PDF template and can't change it.
It's "Diplòm" with an "m" attach at the end. (Yes, you need the "m")
Diplòm → certificate, diploma, award, official document
"Diplòm Sa a Sètifye" is Creole for "This diploma certifies" or "This certificate attests" or "This award certifies"
Don't forget the accents on the letters.
eske si ou fèk ansent, ou bwè asosi, eske li ka touye pitit la?
(This question is asking whether the herbs "asosi" will endanger a fetus)
Si ou fèk ansent, te asosi kapab fasilite yon avòtman.
Nan peyi Brezil, kèk moun ki bezwen fè avòtman sèvi ak asosi.
Men nan peyi Ayiti, yon fwa gwosès la trè avanse, gen moun ki konn bwè te asosi pou bay timoun nan po klè.
Yo konn sèvi ak te asosi pou ede yon fanm ansent akouche pi vit, ak pou fè fanm ki fèt akouche fè anpil lèt pou bebe a.
Si ou ansent, toujou tyeke ak doktè ou anvan ou pran yon remèd ou byen yon te.
Nan peyi Brezil, kèk moun ki bezwen fè avòtman sèvi ak asosi.
Men nan peyi Ayiti, yon fwa gwosès la trè avanse, gen moun ki konn bwè te asosi pou bay timoun nan po klè.
Yo konn sèvi ak te asosi pou ede yon fanm ansent akouche pi vit, ak pou fè fanm ki fèt akouche fè anpil lèt pou bebe a.
Si ou ansent, toujou tyeke ak doktè ou anvan ou pran yon remèd ou byen yon te.
I was passing by, I heard a scream... A friend was beating up on his girlfriend.
I am planning a memeorial service for a haitian friend. Don't have time to get the Chants D'Esperance. Where can i get the words for "My Hope..."; "Take my life..."; All hail..."; and "What a friend we have in Jesus". Many thanks!
Try Chants d'Esperance Online.
Look in the Creole section.
I've include the numbers where you would find the sings you're looking for.
My hope is built... #7
Take my life... #50
All hail... #70
What a friend... #74
My hope is built... #7
Take my life... #50
All hail... #70
What a friend... #74
often when I ask people how they are. They say "Byen" and then something that sounds like "gras a diou" What would that mean.
Gras a Dye.
Thanks to God.
By the grace of God.
Mwen byen gras a Dye.
I'm well by the grace of God.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
How do you say "unbraid" the hair.
chair → cheve, chive
braid → trese
unbraid → detrese
cornrows → tikouri, kòdonèt
comb the hair into one ponytail → penyen chou
comb the hair into individual little braids (which are not cornrows) → penyen lage
Unbraid your hair.
Detrese cheve ou.
Comb your hair.
Penyen tèt ou.
Penyen cheve ou.
Comb my hair into a ponytail.
Penyen m chou.
braid → trese
unbraid → detrese
cornrows → tikouri, kòdonèt
comb the hair into one ponytail → penyen chou
comb the hair into individual little braids (which are not cornrows) → penyen lage
Unbraid your hair.
Detrese cheve ou.
Comb your hair.
Penyen tèt ou.
Penyen cheve ou.
Comb my hair into a ponytail.
Penyen m chou.
Sunrise, sunset
Solèy leve
solèy kouche
When the sun dies down a bit.
solèy bese
We'll start the meeting at sundown.
N'a koumanse reyinyon lè solèy kouche.
Solèy leve
solèy kouche
When the sun dies down a bit.
solèy bese
We'll start the meeting at sundown.
N'a koumanse reyinyon lè solèy kouche.
mwen pa komen
Mwen pa konnen.
I don't know.
Mwen pa't konnen.
I didn't know.
Eske ou pa't konnen?
Didn't you know?
Creole translation please: Do you know who this friend is? and Will you help me?
Do you know who this friend is?
Eske ou konnen kilès zanmi sa a ye?
Do you who she/he is?
Eske ou konnen kilès li ye?
Do you know him/her well?
How well do you know him/her?
Eske ou konnen li trè byen?
Will you help me?
Eske ou ka ede mwen?
In your opinion, if I go to Haiti, what are some places/things I absolutely must see?
Best time to go to Haiti:
Carnival / Mardi-gras time in February. The cities of Port-Au-Prince and Jacmel are bursting with colors, music, dances, food and fun around that time.
Best places to visit:
Haiti's countrysides
Bassin Bleu waterfall near Jacmel
Etang Saumatre (a large lake) near the capital (only if you want to fish and see nature)
La Citadelle in Cap-Haitian (some hiking involved, offers great views of the city)
Musée National in Port-Au-Prince (If it's still standing after the earthquake)
Best things to do:
Sightseeing (enjoy watching colonial-style homes, watching caribbean life) in Petionville, outskirts of Aux Cayes, Jacmel, Arcahaie, Jeremie.
Head for the beaches of Aux Cayes (South), Jacmel (North), or Arcahaie (West)
Hiking in the southern hills of Comble Fort, Terre Rouge, St Jean du Sud, and others
Carnival / Mardi-gras time in February. The cities of Port-Au-Prince and Jacmel are bursting with colors, music, dances, food and fun around that time.
Best places to visit:
Haiti's countrysides
Bassin Bleu waterfall near Jacmel
Etang Saumatre (a large lake) near the capital (only if you want to fish and see nature)
La Citadelle in Cap-Haitian (some hiking involved, offers great views of the city)
Musée National in Port-Au-Prince (If it's still standing after the earthquake)
Best things to do:
Sightseeing (enjoy watching colonial-style homes, watching caribbean life) in Petionville, outskirts of Aux Cayes, Jacmel, Arcahaie, Jeremie.
Head for the beaches of Aux Cayes (South), Jacmel (North), or Arcahaie (West)
Hiking in the southern hills of Comble Fort, Terre Rouge, St Jean du Sud, and others
I am not sure in what condition Haiti's forest (Forêt des Pins) is at this time. You might want to check it out too.
Once you leave the capital, Haiti's countryside is just miles after miles of beautiful landscape, beautiful beaches, mostly tropical weather, and lots of smiley faces
It's best to have a native tag along with you, preferably a strong man who can talk his way out of a "jam" if necessary.
I am not sure in what condition Haiti's forest (Forêt des Pins) is at this time. You might want to check it out too.
Once you leave the capital, Haiti's countryside is just miles after miles of beautiful landscape, beautiful beaches, mostly tropical weather, and lots of smiley faces
It's best to have a native tag along with you, preferably a strong man who can talk his way out of a "jam" if necessary.
i can't left myself go
Mwen pa ka lage tèt mwen.
Mwen pa kite tèt mwen ale.
Mwen pa ka abandone tèt mwen.
I want to remember you vs. I want you to remember vs. I want your memories (i.e. I am envious of your experiences)
I want to remember you.
Mwen vle sonje ou.
I want you to remember.
Mwen vle ou sonje.
Pa blye.
I am envious of your experiences.
Pito mwen te nan plas ou.
Mwen swete m te nan plas ou.
Mwen swete se mwen ki te fè esperyans ou yo.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
love life
Love life
Vi sosyal
Vi santimantal
How's your love life?
Kouman vi sosyal ou ye?
Kouman vi santimantal ou ye?
what is the difference between, mwen sonje ou and mwen manke ou? Which would a native speaker say? I am trying to say "I miss you" to someone who has passed away.
A native would say: Mwen sonje w.
"Ou manke m" comes from the French "Tu me manques" meaning something like: "You are missing from my life".
Someone who uses "Ou manke m" is speaking the Frenched or Frenchised Creole.
cup of water
(Thanks Bloodline. I've added more info :-)
a cup of coffee.
yon tas kafe.
a haitian cup = tas
In Haiti, the word "cup" is translated differently when saying "a cup of coffee" and "a cup of water"
a cup of water.
yon gode dlo.
An american cup = gode
a glass of water
yon vè dlo.
Ask me anything
a cup of coffee.
yon tas kafe.
a haitian cup = tas
In Haiti, the word "cup" is translated differently when saying "a cup of coffee" and "a cup of water"
a cup of water.
yon gode dlo.
An american cup = gode
a glass of water
yon vè dlo.
Ask me anything
older lady
older lady or older man → granmoun, pèsonaj
A courteous name for an older person is "pèsonaj" rather than "granmoun".
What is "lobo"?
lobo → heated argument, heated discussion, altercationn, disturbance of the peace.
Other Creole words used for the above descriptions are:
The best place to watch a "deblozay" in Haiti is at the flea market. But if a fight breaks, make yourself invisible as soon as you can:-)
Other Creole words used for the above descriptions are:
The best place to watch a "deblozay" in Haiti is at the flea market. But if a fight breaks, make yourself invisible as soon as you can:-)
Do you know the Tourist in Haiti Joke?
In Haiti, not only do you we get to hear tales nightly from our grownups,
we used to listen to nightly "blag" (jokes) on the radio. It was a nice radio program, complete with applause, as I remember it. It is a great pastime when you have no electricity.
This one I've heard a long time ago, when I was still small, on the Haitian radio. I'm not sure of its origin.
A tourist came to visit Haiti for the first time.
He went sightseeing along with a tour guide.
The tourist wasn't impressed at all with Haiti. He found that everything was just too small.
The tourist saw a little house. He asked the tour guide, "What is that?"
The tour guide said, "That's a house."
"That's a house!" cried the tourist all in shock. "Oh no no no! Where I come from the houses are big big big!"
Both men were walking the busy streets of Haiti.
The tourist saw a little car. He asked the tour guide, "What is that?"
The tour guide said, "That's a car."
"That's a car!" cried the tourist unable to believe his eyes. "Oh no no no! Where I come from cars are big big big!"
Both men went into a bookstore.
The tourist saw the little bookstore. He asked the tour guide, "What is this?"
The tour guide said, "This is a bookstore."
"That's a bookstore!" cried the tourist very surprised. "Oh no no no! Where I come from the bookstores are big big big!"
Both men were walking pass Haiti's White House.
The tourist saw Haiti's little White House. He asked the tour guide, "What is that?"
The tour guide said, "That's Haiti's White House."
"That's the White House!" cried the tourist indignant. "Oh no no no! Where I come from the White House is big big big!"
The tour guide had it up to his neck with the tourist. He said to himself, "I'm going to get even with him."
When night came, both men went to sleep in a little hotel. The tour guide waited until the tourist was asleep, he fetched the biggest turtle there was in Haiti and placed it under the tourist belly.
The turtle bit the tourist and took out a big piece of his flesh.
The tourist woke up screaming and scared when he saw the big turtle.
"What the heck is that?!" said the tourist.
The tour guide smiled and said, "That's a bed bug."
"That's a bedbug!" cried the tourist all scared. "Where I come from bedbugs are small small small!"
Needless to say that the tourist took the very next flight out of Haiti.
we used to listen to nightly "blag" (jokes) on the radio. It was a nice radio program, complete with applause, as I remember it. It is a great pastime when you have no electricity.
This one I've heard a long time ago, when I was still small, on the Haitian radio. I'm not sure of its origin.
A tourist came to visit Haiti for the first time.
He went sightseeing along with a tour guide.
The tourist wasn't impressed at all with Haiti. He found that everything was just too small.
The tourist saw a little house. He asked the tour guide, "What is that?"
The tour guide said, "That's a house."
"That's a house!" cried the tourist all in shock. "Oh no no no! Where I come from the houses are big big big!"
Both men were walking the busy streets of Haiti.
The tourist saw a little car. He asked the tour guide, "What is that?"
The tour guide said, "That's a car."
"That's a car!" cried the tourist unable to believe his eyes. "Oh no no no! Where I come from cars are big big big!"
Both men went into a bookstore.
The tourist saw the little bookstore. He asked the tour guide, "What is this?"
The tour guide said, "This is a bookstore."
"That's a bookstore!" cried the tourist very surprised. "Oh no no no! Where I come from the bookstores are big big big!"
Both men were walking pass Haiti's White House.
The tourist saw Haiti's little White House. He asked the tour guide, "What is that?"
The tour guide said, "That's Haiti's White House."
"That's the White House!" cried the tourist indignant. "Oh no no no! Where I come from the White House is big big big!"
The tour guide had it up to his neck with the tourist. He said to himself, "I'm going to get even with him."
When night came, both men went to sleep in a little hotel. The tour guide waited until the tourist was asleep, he fetched the biggest turtle there was in Haiti and placed it under the tourist belly.
The turtle bit the tourist and took out a big piece of his flesh.
The tourist woke up screaming and scared when he saw the big turtle.
"What the heck is that?!" said the tourist.
The tour guide smiled and said, "That's a bed bug."
"That's a bedbug!" cried the tourist all scared. "Where I come from bedbugs are small small small!"
Needless to say that the tourist took the very next flight out of Haiti.
"Lasisin" as in "Fè lasisin ak manje a"
Oh dear, I haven't heard that expression in a long time.
Fè lasisin → especially with food, is to eat very slowly. It is to take your time to relish the food that you're eating.
Fè lasisin ak manje a → to take time to savor the food.
It is a funny thing when you live in a country where food is scarce. When you finally get your hands on that only meal of the day, you take your time to savor every bite. But, beware, if you are not eating alone (especially among kids), people who are already done with their own food might want to steal yours. So, in Haiti, I was taught to never "fè lasisin". I was told, "Eat you food in one gulp. Once it's in your stomach, it's yours! No one else can get their hands on it :) I call that survival.
Fè lasisin → especially with food, is to eat very slowly. It is to take your time to relish the food that you're eating.
Fè lasisin ak manje a → to take time to savor the food.
It is a funny thing when you live in a country where food is scarce. When you finally get your hands on that only meal of the day, you take your time to savor every bite. But, beware, if you are not eating alone (especially among kids), people who are already done with their own food might want to steal yours. So, in Haiti, I was taught to never "fè lasisin". I was told, "Eat you food in one gulp. Once it's in your stomach, it's yours! No one else can get their hands on it :) I call that survival.
what is a sweet affectionate name I could call my husband in Creole?
cheri, chouchou, papi...
If your husband is Haitian, I'm sure he'll tell you his preference if you asked him.
Meanwhile here's a link to find more names for your hubby.
Meanwhile here's a link to find more names for your hubby.
Once upon a time there was a girl in Texas who needed a daddy who would love her. Then one day God looked down from heaven and had great compassion on this girl so he took her heart and connected it with the heart of a man in Haiti...(to be continued)
Once upon a time there was a girl in Texas who needed a daddy who would love her.
Vwala, te gen yon fwa, yon ti fi ki te rete Texas te bezwen yon papa ki ta renmen li.
Then one day God looked down from heaven and had great compassion on this girl,
Yon jou, Bondye nan syèl la te pran konpasyon pou ti fi sa a.
so he took her heart and connected it with the heart of a man in Haiti...
Li te pran kè ti fi a e li te mare l ansanm ak kè yon nonm ki rete Ayiti...
...who would love her exactly like his very own daughter. This is the story about us. Nothing can separate what God joins together so in good times and bad times you will forever be my daddy and I will forever be your daughter. (to be continued)
Who would love her exactly like his very own daughter.
ki te vin renmen ti fi a menm jan ak pwòp pitit fi li.
This is the story about us.
Sa se istwa nou.
Nothing can separate what God joins together,
Pa gen anyen ki ka separe sa Bondye mete ansanm.
So in good time and bad times,
Se pousa nan bon tan kou nan move tan,
You will forever be my daddy and I will forever be your daughter.
W'ap toujou papa m, e m'ap toujou piti fi ou.
I love you daddy and I pray Jesus fills your heart with the deepest love, joy, and peace. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday daddy.
I love you daddy.
Mwen renmen ou papa.
And I pray Jesus fills your heart with the deepest love, joy, and peace.
E mwen priye pou Jezi ranpli kè ou ak pi gran lanmou, jwa, e lapè.
Wishing you a Happy Brithday daddy.
Mwen swete ou yon bònn fèt papa cheri m nan!
what does soti or sot mean? for example: "soti deyo" what are some common ways to use it?
soti → go out, come out of, come from, exit
sot → (contracted form of soti) it also means just came from
Would you go out with me?
Eske ou ta vle soti avè m?
Eske ou ta vle fè yon ti soti avè m?
He came out of the room.
Li soti nan chanm nan.
I am from (come from) Haiti.
Mwen soti Ayiti.
I came from new York.
Mwen sot New York.
I just came from seeing her.
Mwen sot wè li.
We should get out more often.
Nou ta dwe soti pli souvan.
Let's go out! (for entertainment)
An nou fè yon ti soti non!
An nou fè yon ti soti non!
I'm out. Don't wait up for me.
Mwen sòti. Pa tann mwen.
People who come from Port-de-Paix have a good heart.
Moun ki sot Port-de-Paix gen bon kè.
Get out!
Go outside!
Soti deyò!
Soti deyò!
Get out of the house!
Soti nan kay la!
Mete w deyò!
Soti nan kay la!
Mete w deyò!
Get out of the car!
Soti nan machin nan!
Soti nan machin nan!
Get out of my head!
Sot nan tèt mwen!
Sot nan tèt mwen!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Efezyen 1:17 Bondye Jezikri, Senye nou an, fe nou konnen an, se yon papa ki gen anpil pouvwa. Mwen mande l pou li ban nou...
Bondye Jezikri,
Lord Jesus,
Senye nou an,
our Lord,
Fè nou konnenan ("an" is not necessary here)
Make us to know
Ou se yon papa ki gen anpil pouvwa.
You are a Father with great power.
Mwen mande l pou li ban nou...
I ask him to give us...
Lord Jesus,
Senye nou an,
our Lord,
Fè nou konnen
Make us to know
Ou se yon papa ki gen anpil pouvwa.
You are a Father with great power.
Mwen mande l pou li ban nou...
I ask him to give us...
Sentespri l ki bay bon konprann ki moutre nou sa Bondye ap devwale nou an pou nou ka rive konnen l byen. (Thank you!!)
Sentespri l ki bay bon konprann.
His holy Spirit that gives good (higher) understanding.
Ki moutre nou sa Bondye ap devwale nou an.
Who shows us what God is revealing to us.
Pou nou ka rive konnen l byen.
So that we may know Him well.
His holy Spirit that gives good (higher) understanding.
Ki moutre nou sa Bondye ap devwale nou an.
Who shows us what God is revealing to us.
Pou nou ka rive konnen l byen.
So that we may know Him well.
"Pale met la" as in "Tout se pale met la!
pale met la (expression)
all talks and no action
Tout se pale met la!
It's all talks and no action!
Jack se pale met la ase!
Jack is all talk and no action!
all talks and no action
Tout se pale met la!
It's all talks and no action!
Jack se pale met la ase!
Jack is all talk and no action!
"from". The candy is from the store.
Use "sòti nan, sot nan -come from" or "nan - in"
The candy is from the store.
Sirèt la sot nan magazen an.
The candy is comes from the store.
Sirèt la sòti nan magazen an.
I bought the candy from the store.
Mwen achte sirèt la nan magazen an.
Some Creole Contractions
m contraction for mwen (i, me, my)
w contraction for ou (you, your)
l contraction for li (he/her, him, his)
n contraction for nou (we, our, us)
y contraction for yo (they, their, them) (Contraction only used with subject pronoun "they")
Rule 1: When placing contractions after a word, place them only after words that end with a vowel.
Koute m. → Listen to me
Mwen konprann ou. (Instead of: Mwen konprann w) → I understand you.
Sa se manman m. (the word "manman" ends with nasal vowel "an") → This is my mother.
Sa se liv nou. (instead of: Sa se liv n) → This is our book.
Chyen an te mòde l. → The dog bit him.
Rule 2: Do not place contractions after the prepositions: sou (on), nan (in,at), and pou (for).
The coffee spilled on me.
Kafe a tonbe sou mwen.
(instead of: kafe a tonbesou m.)
This gift is for her.
Kado sa se pou li.
(instead of: Kado sa sepou l.)
Believe in me.
Kwè nan mwen.
(instead of: Kwènan m.)
Have ever seen these contractions in a sentence?
k contraction for ki (who, that)
p contraction for pa (negative marker)
t contraction for te (past tense marker)
1. Sa'k pase?
(instead of: Sa ki pase?)
What's happenning?
2. Mwen p'ap chante.
(instead of: Mwen pa ap chante.)
I will not sing.
3. Mwen t'ale wè yo.
(instead of: Mwen te ale wè yo.)
I went to see them.
Some contractions for a few Creole words:
al contraction for ale (to go)
vin contraction for vini (to come)
fin contraction for fini (to complete)
konn contraction for konnen (to know)
ka, kab contraction for kapab (to be able)
Examples of some sentences in which contractions are used. See if you can translate them. Scroll down for answers.
1. Mwen t'al wè w. Ou pa't la.
2. Ede m pote malèt la. Mwen p'ap ka pote l pou kont mwen.
3. Poukisa w'ap meprize m konsa?
4. Papa n rete Ayiti.
5. Y'ap pale avè n lè yo pare.
1. I went to see you. You weren't there.
2. Help me to carry the suitcase. I won't be able to carry it on my own.
3. Why are you ignoring me?
4. Our dad lives in Haiti.
5. They will talk to us when they're ready.
w contraction for ou (you, your)
l contraction for li (he/her, him, his)
n contraction for nou (we, our, us)
y contraction for yo (they, their, them) (Contraction only used with subject pronoun "they")
Rule 1: When placing contractions after a word, place them only after words that end with a vowel.
Koute m. → Listen to me
Mwen konprann ou. (Instead of: Mwen konprann w) → I understand you.
Sa se manman m. (the word "manman" ends with nasal vowel "an") → This is my mother.
Sa se liv nou. (instead of: Sa se liv n) → This is our book.
Chyen an te mòde l. → The dog bit him.
Rule 2: Do not place contractions after the prepositions: sou (on), nan (in,at), and pou (for).
The coffee spilled on me.
Kafe a tonbe sou mwen.
(instead of: kafe a tonbe
This gift is for her.
Kado sa se pou li.
(instead of: Kado sa se
Believe in me.
Kwè nan mwen.
(instead of: Kwè
Have ever seen these contractions in a sentence?
k contraction for ki (who, that)
p contraction for pa (negative marker)
t contraction for te (past tense marker)
1. Sa'k pase?
(instead of: Sa ki pase?)
What's happenning?
2. Mwen p'ap chante.
(instead of: Mwen pa ap chante.)
I will not sing.
3. Mwen t'ale wè yo.
(instead of: Mwen te ale wè yo.)
I went to see them.
Some contractions for a few Creole words:
al contraction for ale (to go)
vin contraction for vini (to come)
fin contraction for fini (to complete)
konn contraction for konnen (to know)
ka, kab contraction for kapab (to be able)
Examples of some sentences in which contractions are used. See if you can translate them. Scroll down for answers.
1. Mwen t'al wè w. Ou pa't la.
2. Ede m pote malèt la. Mwen p'ap ka pote l pou kont mwen.
3. Poukisa w'ap meprize m konsa?
4. Papa n rete Ayiti.
5. Y'ap pale avè n lè yo pare.
1. I went to see you. You weren't there.
2. Help me to carry the suitcase. I won't be able to carry it on my own.
3. Why are you ignoring me?
4. Our dad lives in Haiti.
5. They will talk to us when they're ready.
How would a daughter show her love to her father on his birthday? Any special traditions in Haiti? Any special words she could say to make him feel extra special?
Birthdays are always special in Haiti. Haitians are mostly grateful for another year in their life. They usually wish for health and prosperity.
Most Haitians celebrate their birthdays, just like here in the US, by having a party with lots of traditional foods and drinks. They accept gifts too.
They usually sing two types of birthday songs:
Bonne anniversaire
Nos voeux les plus sincères
Que ces quelques fleurs vous apportent le bonheur
Que l'année entière vous soit douce et legère
Et que l'an fini, nou soyons tous réunis
Pour chanter en choeur, "Bonne anniversaire!"
Bonne fète à toi
Bonne fète à toi
Bonne fète, bonne fète
Bonne fète à toi
This second song is sung to the English Happy Birthday tune. And you may sing it in Creole by adding the person's name at the end as follows:
Bònn fèt (name of person)
Bonne fète (name of person)
Bònn fèt, bònn fèt
Bònn fèt (name of person)
Most Haitians celebrate their birthdays, just like here in the US, by having a party with lots of traditional foods and drinks. They accept gifts too.
They usually sing two types of birthday songs:
Bonne anniversaire
Nos voeux les plus sincères
Que ces quelques fleurs vous apportent le bonheur
Que l'année entière vous soit douce et legère
Et que l'an fini, nou soyons tous réunis
Pour chanter en choeur, "Bonne anniversaire!"
Bonne fète à toi
Bonne fète à toi
Bonne fète, bonne fète
Bonne fète à toi
This second song is sung to the English Happy Birthday tune. And you may sing it in Creole by adding the person's name at the end as follows:
Bònn fèt (name of person)
Bonne fète (name of person)
Bònn fèt, bònn fèt
Bònn fèt (name of person)
Finally, you may wish him:
Bònn fèt!
Happy birthday!
Mwen swete ou long vi, sante, e kè kontan.
I wish you a long life, health, and hapiness.
That's special enough.
you are so far away from me
You are far from me. → Ou lwen mwen.
You are so far away from me. → Ou trè lwen mwen.
You are too far away from me. → Ou twò lwen mwen.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
God's child → pitit Bondye
I am god's child. → Mwen se pitit Bondye.
You are God's child. → Ou se pitit Bondye.
We are God's children. → Nou se pitit Bondye.
How do you say "buddy"? Which word is more intimate than "kanmarad"?
Buddy (as in: favorite friend, bosom buddy, pal, chum)
Moun pa
Moun pa, in Haitian Creole, is a very good friend for whom you have a soft spot.
Frank's my buddy. I'll never turn him away.
Frank se moun pa m*. Mwen pa janm refize l*.
I know Mamoun is your bosom buddy.
Mwen konnen Mamoun se moun pa w*.
Jack shared his sandwich with Jill because Jill's his pal.
Jack separe sandwitch li a avèk Jill paske Jill se moun pa l*.
"m, w, l " are respectively contracted forms of "mwen, ou, li"
Moun pa
Moun pa, in Haitian Creole, is a very good friend for whom you have a soft spot.
Frank's my buddy. I'll never turn him away.
Frank se moun pa m*. Mwen pa janm refize l*.
I know Mamoun is your bosom buddy.
Mwen konnen Mamoun se moun pa w*.
Jack shared his sandwich with Jill because Jill's his pal.
Jack separe sandwitch li a avèk Jill paske Jill se moun pa l*.
"m, w, l " are respectively contracted forms of "mwen, ou, li"
What is one of your favorite poems in Creole?
Well, I have a great time reading the works of Paul Laraque, Johnny Bélizaire and Félix Morisseau-Leroy.
I recently read and memorized “rekòlt” and “Se yon rèv” from Johnny Belizaire.
I recently read and memorized “rekòlt” and “Se yon rèv” from Johnny Belizaire.
But my all-time favorite Creole “literary works” are from the following talented people:
Paul Laraque - He is the grandpa that sits by the fire to tell a tale in prose.
Manno Charlemagne - His lyrics can be controversial, but they are a dose of truth.
Maurice Sixto - He tells it as he sees it. But he sees what no one else sees.
Edwige Danticat – She is the girl next door in Haiti, whom you meet years later in a foreign country, and she takes you back to that time of “lontan lontan”.
Jacques Roumain – I will always be grateful for his work “Gouverneurs de La Rosée”. I very recently read Maude Hertelou’s Creole adaptation.
Paul Laraque - He is the grandpa that sits by the fire to tell a tale in prose.
Manno Charlemagne - His lyrics can be controversial, but they are a dose of truth.
Maurice Sixto - He tells it as he sees it. But he sees what no one else sees.
Edwige Danticat – She is the girl next door in Haiti, whom you meet years later in a foreign country, and she takes you back to that time of “lontan lontan”.
Jacques Roumain – I will always be grateful for his work “Gouverneurs de La Rosée”. I very recently read Maude Hertelou’s Creole adaptation.
The Creole books I'm reading now are Agasya by Emile Celestin-Mégie, and M ap Viv Toujou by Evelyne Nacier
Here’s a link where you’ll find many Creole poems.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
I love you. I give you my heart with all my might and my soul. I give you my love with every breath. I give you my heart with every fear, every tear, and every word of an argument whether we meant it or not.
Note* The word repetition did not work in Creole. It would have changed the meaning.
I love you. → Mwen renmen ou.
I love you. → Mwen renmen ou.
I give you my heart with all my might and with all my soul.
Ak fòs kouraj mwen e ak nanm mwen, m ba ou kè m.
I give you all my love with every breath.
Ak tout souf mwen, m ba ou lanmou mwen.
I give you my heart with ever fear, every tear, and every word.
M ba ou kè m ak tout lapè, tout kriye, tout pawòl ki ladan l.
how do I ask How is your family?how is you wife?How is you mother?How is your work?
You could use either kouman, kòman, or kijan to ask these questions:
How is your family? → Kouman fanmi ou ye?
How's the family? → Kouman fanmi an ye?
How's your wife? → Kouman madanm ou ye?
How's your husband? → Kouman mari ou ye?
How are the kids? → Kijan timoun yo ye?
How are your kids? → Kouman timoun ou yo ye?
How's your mom doing? → Kijan manman ou ye?
How's work? → Kijan travay la ye?
How's your work? → Kijan travay ou a ye?
How is your family? → Kouman fanmi ou ye?
How's the family? → Kouman fanmi an ye?
How's your wife? → Kouman madanm ou ye?
How's your husband? → Kouman mari ou ye?
How are the kids? → Kijan timoun yo ye?
How are your kids? → Kouman timoun ou yo ye?
How's your mom doing? → Kijan manman ou ye?
How's work? → Kijan travay la ye?
How's your work? → Kijan travay ou a ye?
How's your business doing? →Kijan biznis la ap mache?
How are you doing with your studies? → Kijan etid la ap mache?
How are things working out? → Kijan bagay yo ap mache?
stay calm
Stay Calm.
Rete an silans.
Rete trankil.
Rete dousman.
You may use either one of the above three for "Stay calm."
You may use either one of the above three for "Stay calm."
how do you say thank the Lord?
Thank the Lord! (as in Praise the Lord!)
Mèsi Letènèl!
Mèsi Senyè!
Mèsi Senyè!
Thank the Lord. (as in Give thanks to the Lord.)
Di Senyè a mèsi.
Di Bondye mèsi.
Di Letènèl mèsi
There, you are.There, you go.
There/here you are.
Apa ou.
There/here he is.
Men li.
There/here i am.
Men mwen.
There/here we are.
Men nou.
There/here they are.
Men yo
Friday, September 23, 2011
do Haitian kids know how to play Rock, Paper, Scissors? Would you translate instructions for this simple game...
No they wouldn't know. It's not a popularly known game in Haiti.
Here are the rules of the game in Haitian Creole.
Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Wòch Papye Sizo
Anpil timoun jwe jwèt sa a pou detèmine kilès kap gen priyorite. Ou gen dwa jwe li pou konnen kilès kap kanpe devan nan yon lin, kilès kap chita devan machin nan, kilès ki premye ap jwenn yon bagay.
Goal of the game
Bi Jwèt la
Jwèt Wòch Papye Sizo a gen twa eleman.
Bi jwèt la se pou yon jwè chwazi yon eleman (wòch, papye, oswa sizo) ki ka koule eleman lòt jwè a.
To play the game:
Pou Jwe Jwèt la:
Pou jwe jwèt la, de jwè dwe kanpe fasafas. De jwè yo dwe chwazi ak ki men y’ap jwe, men goch oswa men dwat. Epi de jwè yo dwe fè yon pwen avèk men sa a.
Jwèt la
Jwè yo dwe kòmanse ansanm. Yo kapab konte sou twa pou yo kòmanse ansanm.
Jwèt la kòmanse ak: en, de, twa.
Jwè yo kenbe pwen yo youn anfas lòt. Epi yo fè yon monte desann pwen yo tankou se kafe yap pile pandan y’ap di ansanm, “Wòch, Papye, Sizo! … ale!”
Menm kote yo di “ale” a, chak jwè yo fè yon fòm eleman an ak pwen yo.
Fòm wòch la se yon pwen.
Fòm Sizo a se yon pwen ak dwèt indèks la e dwèt majè a pwente tankou yon sizo.
Fòm Papye a se yon men plat, tankou si ou tap bay lanmen.
Who wins
Ki moun ki genyen
Wòch ka kraze Sizo. Sa vle di Wòch bat Sizo
Sizo ka koupe Papye. Sa vle di Sizo bat Papye
Papye ka kouvri Wòch. Sa vle di Papye bat Wòch
Pa egzanp:
Lè de jwè yo di “ale!” a, si yon jwè fè fòm Papye e yon jwè fè fòm Wòch, se jwè ki fè fòm Papye a ki genyen.
E si yon jwè fè fòm Papye e lòt la fè fòm Sizo, se jwè ki fè fòm Sizo a ki genyen.
If both players choose the same item
Si tou de jwè yo chwazi menm eleman
Si tou de jwè yo chwazi menm eleman an nan yon jwèt, rekòmanse ankò jiskaske gen yon jwè ki genyen.
Bònn Chans!
Here are the rules of the game in Haitian Creole.
Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Wòch Papye Sizo
Anpil timoun jwe jwèt sa a pou detèmine kilès kap gen priyorite. Ou gen dwa jwe li pou konnen kilès kap kanpe devan nan yon lin, kilès kap chita devan machin nan, kilès ki premye ap jwenn yon bagay.
Goal of the game
Bi Jwèt la
Jwèt Wòch Papye Sizo a gen twa eleman.
Bi jwèt la se pou yon jwè chwazi yon eleman (wòch, papye, oswa sizo) ki ka koule eleman lòt jwè a.
To play the game:
Pou Jwe Jwèt la:
Pou jwe jwèt la, de jwè dwe kanpe fasafas. De jwè yo dwe chwazi ak ki men y’ap jwe, men goch oswa men dwat. Epi de jwè yo dwe fè yon pwen avèk men sa a.
Jwèt la
Jwè yo dwe kòmanse ansanm. Yo kapab konte sou twa pou yo kòmanse ansanm.
Jwèt la kòmanse ak: en, de, twa.
Jwè yo kenbe pwen yo youn anfas lòt. Epi yo fè yon monte desann pwen yo tankou se kafe yap pile pandan y’ap di ansanm, “Wòch, Papye, Sizo! … ale!”
Menm kote yo di “ale” a, chak jwè yo fè yon fòm eleman an ak pwen yo.
Fòm wòch la se yon pwen.
Fòm Sizo a se yon pwen ak dwèt indèks la e dwèt majè a pwente tankou yon sizo.
Fòm Papye a se yon men plat, tankou si ou tap bay lanmen.
Who wins
Ki moun ki genyen
Wòch ka kraze Sizo. Sa vle di Wòch bat Sizo
Sizo ka koupe Papye. Sa vle di Sizo bat Papye
Papye ka kouvri Wòch. Sa vle di Papye bat Wòch
Pa egzanp:
Lè de jwè yo di “ale!” a, si yon jwè fè fòm Papye e yon jwè fè fòm Wòch, se jwè ki fè fòm Papye a ki genyen.
E si yon jwè fè fòm Papye e lòt la fè fòm Sizo, se jwè ki fè fòm Sizo a ki genyen.
If both players choose the same item
Si tou de jwè yo chwazi menm eleman
Si tou de jwè yo chwazi menm eleman an nan yon jwèt, rekòmanse ankò jiskaske gen yon jwè ki genyen.
Bònn Chans!
when someone texts you, and you don't know who it is, how do you say "Who is it?" or Who are you? Meci
Who is it?
Kilès sa a?
Who are you?
Kilès ou ye?
I don't know who you are.
Mwen pa konn kilès ou ye
feuille lenni in english
Fèy lanni → aromatic herb used for tea. Used in Haiti mainly for its aroma. It is a grassy looking and very thin green leaf.
Other uses in Haiti
People have used the leaf or tiny grain of fèy lanni for:
kidney flush
breastfeeding mothers
This leaf should not be digested by pregnant women.
Other uses in Haiti
People have used the leaf or tiny grain of fèy lanni for:
kidney flush
breastfeeding mothers
This leaf should not be digested by pregnant women.
Scientific name: Anethum graveolens
From the family of: Apiaceae (Ombelliferae)
Name : Dill
From the family of: Apiaceae (Ombelliferae)
Name : Dill
See these links in Wikipedia:
Reading is an important tool that'll help children learn about how many things in life work (Creole)
Reading is an important tool that'll help children learn about how many things in life work.
Lekti se yon zouti enpòtan k'ap ede timoun yo aprann kouman anpil bagay nan lavi a fonksyone.
Lekti se yon zouti enpòtan k'ap ede timoun yo aprann kouman anpil bagay nan lavi a fonksyone.
How do you say I'm a proud Haitian
I'm a proud Haitian.
Mwen kontan m se Ayisyen.
I'm proud of my Haitian nationality.
Mwen fyè de nasyonalite Aysyen mwen.
I'm proud of my country.
Mwen fyè de peyi m.
Mwen gen fyète pou peyi m.
Mwen gen fyète pou peyi m.
I love my country.
Mwen renmen peyi m.
I'm a true Haitian.
Mwen se yon Ayisyen natifnatal.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
how do you say bear
Bear (as in: grizzly bear) → lous, ous
Bear (to put up with) → sipòte
Bear (to carry) → pote
Bear (to put up with) → sipòte
Bear (to carry) → pote
Ti katkat
Ti kakat
little baby, youngster, kid, half-pint
I knew her since she was a little kid.
Mwen rekonèt li depi li te yon ti kakat.
little baby, youngster, kid, half-pint
I knew her since she was a little kid.
Mwen rekonèt li depi li te yon ti kakat.
Ou pa bò isi a ankò, se pa vre?
Ou pa bò isi a ankò?
You're in this area anymore?
Se pa vre? (as a question)
Isn't this true?
Se pa vre. (as a statement)
It's not true.
Translate:Draw a picture" here or "My Artwork (I want to have the children draw a picture with crayons on the page)
Draw a picture here.
Trase yon desen la.
My artwork
Pyès travay mwen
Pyès travay atis mwen
My drawing
Desen mwen
Draw a picture with the crayon.
Trase yon desen avèk kreyon desen an.
Draw a picture on this page.
Trase yon desen sou paj sa.
Color your picture.
Kolore desen an.
This is a beautiful drawing.
Sa se yon bèl desen.
How's everything with you these days?And how are you also Mandaly? sa fe lontan, wi..I hope everything is fine, or everything cushty, as Britons would like to say
Mwen anfòm!
Mwen la!
Map kenbe ak gras Bondye!
Mèsi, e ou menm?!
How's everything with you these days?
Kijan tout bagay ap mache pou ou sèjousi?
Can it be?Can that be?
Can it be? / Can that be? (as in: Is that possible?)
Ou kwè?
Ou kwè sa?
Can it be that I'm in love?
Ou kwè m ta tonbe damou?
Can it be that life is so simple?
Ou kwè lavi ta senp konsa?
Can it be that he forgot about me?
Ou kwè li ta bliye mwen?
How can it/that be
Kijan sa fè fèt?
Kijan sa fè posib?
I'm having trouble pronouncing the creole letter 'R', do you have any tips?
I think the easiest way to learn to pronounce the Creole/French letter "R" is to:
1. Practice with repeating the English words "err" and "air"
2. Concentrate on the ending of these words: "err" and "air"
3. Constrict your throat more as you say the ending of these words: "err" or "air"
4. Open up your mouth a little bit more laterally as if you're trying to crack a fake smile when you say the ending of these words. Keep practicing that sound and try repeating the following Creole words:
rayi, rankontre, rele, repete, ri, rive
Ask me anythingWednesday, September 21, 2011
What are the most commonly sung Creole hymns? Can you please post the English&Creole translations?
Although these days a lot of churches have adopted a more contemporary worshiping-style of service; they sing songs by Chris Tomlin, Darlene Zschech, and Brian Doerksen etc..., the majority Haitian Churches in Haiti continues to worship with the traditional hymn book "Chants D'Esperance". This book is a compilation of French and Creole traditional hymns that you used to sing "long, long time ago".
This is a list of the title of some the most popular Creole hymns.
Check with the Chants D'esperance Online to find hundreds of Haitian Creole hymns that have the same Air as the English hymns.
This is a list of the title of some the most popular Creole hymns.
Check with the Chants D'esperance Online to find hundreds of Haitian Creole hymns that have the same Air as the English hymns.
My hope is built on Nothing less
Jezi sèl inik esperans, se li sèl ki bay asirans
Trust and obey
Lè n’ap mache ak Dye nan limyè pawòl li
Oh for a thousand tongues to sing
Mwen vle mil lang pou chante byen louwanj Redanmtè mwen
Jesus keep me near the cross
Jezi kenbe m pre lakwa
When we all get to heaven
An nou chante amou Jezi, chante tandrès ak gras tou
Take my life and let it be
Pran lavi m Senyè Jezi, mwen vle konsakre l ba ou
There is a fountain
Genyen yon sous tou plen ak san
Nothing but the blood
Sak kapab lave peche m, anyen pase san Jezi Kri
All hail the power of Jesus name
Onore pisans non Jezi, tout Anj dwe fas atè
What a friend we have in Jesus
Ala yon zanmi se Jezi
We’re marching to Zion
Kite le monn byen lwen
I’d rather have Jesus
Mwen pito gen Jezi pase tout bagay
How much I owe
Lè Jezi mouri sou kalvè
When the roll is called up yonder
An nou travay pou le Senyè
Father, Lead me day by day
Senyè, kondwi mwen chak jou
Love lifted me
Mwen tap neye nan peche
Hark! The herald angels sing
Koute! Anj yo ap chante
mwen renmen ak manke ou... espwa nou anm ki gen yon bon jou
Mwen renmen ak manke ou...
I love and miss you...
espwa nou an ki gen yon bon jou...
Our hope which has a good day...
Is this a lyric? a poem?
Is this a lyric? a poem?
What's the weather like where you live?
Kijan tan an ye kote ou rete a?
Kijan tanperati a ye kote ou rete a?
Total Yearly Household Income: (Please check one) No one will be turned away based on income. Very low, low, moderate. Below $15,350 for Individual, for family of 2.
Total Yearly Household Income:
Lajan Total Pou Tout Kay la pa Ane:
(Please check one)
(Tanpri chwazi yon repons)
No one will be turned away based on income.
Yo pap refize ede ou akòz de montan lajan ou fè.
Very low → trè ba
Low → ba
morerate → moyen
Below $15,350 individual/per family of 2
Mwens ke $15,535 pa tèt /pa fanmi ki gen de moun
Mwens ke $15,535 pa tèt /pa fanmi ki gen de moun
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