Ki kote ou te ye?
Bonjou! Learn to Speak Haitian Creole
Most requested translations added here for your convenience: I love you → Mwen renmen w. I miss you → Mwen sonje w. My love! → Lanmou mwen!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
thank you..
You're welcome - padekwa, pa fatige w, or deryen
See more Haitian Creole greeting at the following link:
working on my creole
Working on my Creole - Map travay sou Kreyòl mwen.
men's shirts
men's shoes - soulye pou gason
men's shirts - chemiz pou gason
men's pants - pantalon pou gason
men's undershirt - chemizèt
men's underwear - kalson, kanson, slip
men's socks - chosèt pou gason
good bye
See more introductory Haitian Creole Phrases at the following link:
how are you
We're doing good. - Nou la. or Nou byen.
Check more Introductory Haitian Creole phrases at the following link:
In "Start the car." How do you translate 'start'? Most Haitians I ask, translate it as "estat" Is this right?
Start the car - derape machin nan
Start the car. - Demare machin nan.
Wap fe sexy cheria bagay male translate
bagay male - (incomprehensible, check spelling)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
how to say "My Big Daddy"
Big Daddy (as in hotshot, mogul, moneyman) → gwo palto, zotobre, gwo chabrak, bigchòt.
Big Daddy (as in your little "pooh bear") → papi, nèg, nonm, boulpik
My Big Daddy → nèg mwen, nonm mwen, ti papi m, boulpik mwen
What were they doing? describe them...give details...
Kisa yo tap fè? Dekri yo... Ban m plis detay...
I see three guys in the middle of the street.
I see three guys in the middle of the street.
Mwen wè twa nèg nan mitan lari a.
what does "bay" mean
bay → to give
You will see the Haitian creole word "bay"written three different ways:
Bay, ba, & ban
"ban" comes before Haitian Creole pronouns "mwen" "m" "nou" & "n".
Li ban mwen yon liv. - He gives me a book.
Li ban m yon liv. - He gives me a book.
Li ban nou yon liv. - He gives us a book.
Li ban n yon liv. - He gives us a book.
"ba" comes almost exclusively before Haitian Creole pronouns "ou" "li" "yo".
Mwen ba ou yon liv. - I give you a book.
Mwen ba li yon liv. - I give her a book.
Mwen ba yo yon liv. - I give them a book.
You may use "ba" or "bay" most anywhere else.
Jezi bay lavi. - Jesus gives life.
Bay Joel liv la. - Give the book to Joel.
Revanj bay satisfaksyon - Revenge gives (brings) gratification
Ask me anything
Monday, June 27, 2011
Several different times while watching documentaries of Haiti relief I have seen Haitians make a hand gesture of turning your hands inward and placing the thumbs parallel on top of each other. Like two sideways thumbs up. Is this significant in any way?
Ansanm ansanm - We're holding on together
U are a child of God, So why are you afraid; you shouldn't be afraid..
What does Dappiyanp mean? As in the phrase "Dappiyanp sou te peyi a, yon danje pou dwa grandèt majè Ayiti"? Thanks
Dappiyanp sou peyi a, ... - It's pillage of the country, ...
yon danje pou dwa grandèt majè Ayiti.
a danger for Haitian primary legal rights. or
a danger for Haitian God-given rights. or
(non literal) a risk for Haiti's survival.
let's see if 711 is open...before i go to sleep...
Let's see if 7/11 is open.
before I go to sleep...
...ak mwen vle ou konnen ke mwen ap toujou renmen ou, ak mwen se gason ou ajame. Kenbe fos lanmou mwen. Toulede Papa nou kinon syel la ak mwen se isit pou ou.Mwen renmen ou, toujou ak ajame.
...and I'm your man forever.
Hold strong, my love.
Both our Father in heaven and myself are there for you.
I love you always and forever.
Comment from translator: (This is a beautiful letter. You could always send me such a letter to translate, via my e-mail, if you plan to keep it private.)
Ou se lanmou lavi m, ak mwen absoliman konnen ke nou ap fe ansanm ajame. M renmen mo sa, ajame. Nan Angle ak Kreyol. Li jis bay mwen anpil esoere pou avni a, espesyalman paske m konnen ke mwen ap fe ansanm avek ou pou etenite. Mwen renmenou anpil anpil,
You are the love of my life,
and I absolutely know we're together for ever.
I love this word, forever. In English and Creole.
It just gives me a lot of hope for the future,
Especially because I know you and I are together for eternity.
I love you very much,
Can you translate this for me? Bonjou lanmou mwen! Mwen te renmen let ou. Li te anfom! Mwen vreman espere li ede ou ki m te tradwi li ak mete kek komante sou li. M jis vle ou konnen konbyen mwen renmen ou, ak konbyen mwen apresye tout bagay ou te fe pou
Hello my love!
I loved your letter. It was great!
I hoped that it helped that I translated and added some comments to it.
I just wanted you to know how much I love you, and how much I appreciated all you did for me.
How do you say "elder" like Elder in the church?
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Hmmm mwen genyen yon kestiyon.....Qui jan ou di? My love you are the woman for me and i promise to cherish and nuture our love forever baby
what is a type of jewelry called corne?
I am not familiar with any type of jewelry that goes by that name.
I have seen the word "la" in a sentence., and it doesnt look like an article. Example - someone asks me over the phone, 'kote ou ye la?"
"la" could also mean "here" as in chita la. - sit here.
But in this particular instance, "la" stands for 'right now', 'at this time', or 'in this moment'.
Not to be confused with the Haitian Creole word "kounye a (now)". It does not replace "kounye a".
It is a manner of speaking, an expression, or an intonation used mainly when asking questions in Creole.
If you are learning Creole, this is one of the words you will learn to use by habitually listening to Haitian people speak.
where are you now?
kote ou ye la?
What are you doing right now?
Kisa wap fè la?
What do you have at this time?
Kisa ou genyen la?
What are you cooking?
Ki manje wap fè la?
What book are you reading now?
Ki liv wap li la?
Why are you crying now?
Poukisa wap kriye la?
Why does a vast majority of children in Haiti suck their thumbs? How do their parents handle that?
Some of the kids I hanged with, in Haiti, sucked their fingers.
Some children suck their thumbs, some the index and middle finger together,
and others suck the middle and ring fingers.
A lot of these children retain that behavior well into their puberscent years.
The remedies that I have seen parents use to help them break this habit are sometimes 'unusual'.
The most common remedy was to rub freshly cut bitter aloe unto the child finger.
Other parents would bandage the child's finger during the night, since a lot of kids suck their fingers while sleeping.
Some parents would smear chicken poop onto the child's finger in the hope that he/she would find that finger repugnant.
Some parents took this fight even further and would threaten to stick the finger in boiling water.
I have seen one father take a machete, had the child put her fingers on a piece of wood, and threathened to cut the child's finger until she promised that she wouldn't do it again. That girl did eventually stop this behavior on her own.
Creole definitions:
suck thumb, suck fingers - tete dwèt, souse dwèt
Does he suck his thumbs? - Eske li tete dwèt?
What is" sucking teeth"? what is that "tchwipe or tchuipe" you talk about? Is it a cuss word?
It is the equivalent of giving someone the cold shoulder, or rolling your eyes at someone. It is a gesture (an acquired behavior) people make to show disdain, contempt, indifference, frustration, or annoyance.
Most people from the caribbean do it. It is not a cuss word. I guess you could say that some people suck there teeth at you instead of cussing at you.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Bonjou Mandaly! Someone asked me if I know how to "chipe." What is that?
It is the equivalent of giving someone the cold shoulder, or rolling your eyes at someone. It is a gesture people make to show disdain, contempt, indifference, frustration, or annoyance.
How do you say "I love you and nothing would make me happier than spending my life with you. I would love to marry you."
Translation: Mwen renmen w. Pa gen anyen ki ta fè m pi kontan, ke pou m pase tout rès vi mwen avèk ou. Mwen ta renmen marye avè w.
How do you say "I miss you and I would love for you to come over and spend the night with me."
Translation: M sonje w. Mwen ta renmen ou vin pase nwit la avèk mwen.
What is the nicest thing you've ever seen anybody do for either yourself or anybody else?
Strangers hold doors open for me often. That's nice enough.
Why do I sometimes see "now" written as "kounye a", other times as "koulye a"?
Some people, depending on which area of Haiti they're from, say this word as "koulye a". It's an "old" Creole form that you will find in ancient Haitian Creole literature, theater pieces, poems, and/or songs.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Does "sovaj" mean "rude" or can it be an insult in some instances? What is the best way to say "rude"?
'Sovaj' means rude, brutal, insensitive, barbaric, with no "soft side", and wild, etc...
what does this mean Mwen sonje ou ... "Apre sa, mwen renmen ou anpilOui"
Apre sa, mwen renmen ou anpil, wi.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
what is the equivalant of "ma cheri" for a male
Mon cheri (for a male)
The previous are French.
In Creole, "cheri mwen" translates both "mon cheri" and "ma cherie".
i love you baby girl
I'm assuming that "baby girl" is a little girl child here.
'Gloire a Dye' to the woman looking for purchase Christian Creole songbooks.
"la fanm" what is that means...Does it means "woman"
"fanm" comes from the French "femme".
It means "woman"
Sometimes, you'll hear "la femme" which the French way of saying "the woman".
Do you know of any Christian Creole songbooks with music available for purchase from the U.S.? I have "Chants d'Esperance", which has words but no music.
There are no Christian songbooks with music score in Haitian Creole yet. You will find a few leaflets (with a couple of songs) here and there at Haitian Christian bookstores.
"Sur Les Ailes de la Foi" is commonly used in Haiti too. Here's a link to the sites where you can find that book.
There's a also a book called "CHANTS JOYEUX", you may even be able to download some free music sheets from it. Here's the link. Look for the list of "chants joyeux" songs on the bottom right of the site.
Also here is the site, number, and address where you may find leaflets or booklets with creole songs and music scores:
(I did call that store today, spoke to the owner, he said he might have a Chants D'esperance with Music, but he was not willing to e-mail an image of the cover or a snapshot of the inside of the book)
Toussaint's Photo & Bible Store, Inc.
10461 NW 7th Ave, Miami, Fl 33150
(305) 751-6668
(786) 355-2121
Hi, how are you? In Haiti i think there's no law that can protect children from abusive parents...Now, that's what i call though love!
Wow what odd rules for kids! I guess, for me being raised by a Southern parent, I understand about not being sassy to grownups. But to be slapped just for looking at someone who's talking?! How do Haitian parents show love to their kids?
I think it's called tough love.
Most Haitian parents, in Haiti, don't hug their kids a lot, but they do love them.
Most of them concentrate on "working hard' to give their kids the best education and moral values so the kids would have a better life that they had.
By "working hard", I mean that they'll walk door to door selling peanuts and coal to put their kids through school.
My parents were not big huggers, but i did feel love from them.
But in my home, I hug my kids a lot:)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I was once told that it is considered rude to whistle in Haiti. Is this true? Why?
"whistling" is one of the things that you are not supposed to do around adults. I know this, 'cause I got slapped because of that one day.
In Haiti, kids are "supposed to be" seen, not heard. Here is a list of things you are not supposed to do when you are in the company of an older person (no matter how old you are).
No whistling
No sitting with legs crossed
No looking at an older person straight in the eye (especially if they are in the middle of a "grown-up" conversation, or juicy gossip)
No standing with both your hands on your side.
No sucking you teeth at grown ups. (they really get offended by that).
How would you instruct someone to do something in Creole? Is there a particular pattern? I.e. Do the dishes. Brush your teeth. Go away! Sit down. Make your self at home.
Negative imperative sentences begin with the Haitian Creole word : "Pa"
Do the dishes. - Lave asyèt yo.
Don't run in the hallway. - Pa kouri nan koulwa a.
There's a song whose lyrics in English go like this: Lord, Prepare me, To be a sanctuary, Pure and holy, Tried and true. With thanksgiving, I'll be a living,Sanctuary, For You. I've heard this song sung in Creole, but can't find a copy of the words.
Senyè prepare m, fè m vin yon sanntyè
Pi e sen, san doute
Avèk gras ou, ma va vini yon
Sakrifis pou ou
Se ou Bondye
Kite vini pou sove
Kè ak nanm
Tout moun sou latè
Se ou Bondye
Ki konn feblès mwen
Ki ban mwen fòs
Ak men ou
Delivre mwen
Nan tout tantasyon
Pirifye mwen
Ranpli kè mwen
Ak Sentespri ou
epi lave
peche m yo
now, i'm told the literal translation of that slogan is bald head.
"Tèt Kale" - I know you've covered that before, but what are some of the "expressions" synonymous to that phrase? Thanks!
Heart and soul
From A to Z
Full throttle
For ever
To the max
To the limit
To the nth degree
Related questions
Can, Be able to, may → ka, kab, or kapab
'may', 'might' and 'be able to' in Haitian Creole.
Ka and kab are some contracted forms for kapab
1. I can speak Creole. - M ka pale Kreyòl.
2. We can read. - Nou ka li.
3. I can't understand you. - M pa ka konprann ou.
4. We may come to see you. → Nou ka vin wè w.
5. He may well be a crook. → Li ka byen yon vòlò (or vòlè)
6. Yes, we can. - Wi, nou kapab.
7. I cannot believe this. - M pa ka kwè sa.
8. If I get paid on Friday, I might go on the trip with you.
Si'm touche vandredi, m ka ale nan vwayaj la avèk ou.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Does man mean ms, or woman, or a respeceted term for an older woman?
Mr. (short for Monsieur) for males
Nanpwen moun la. - There's no one here.
Translate 'day and night', as in "you're on my mind day and night'
Literally means, 'during the day as during the night'
You're on my mind day and night.
Ou nan panse mwen lajounen kou lannwit.
Hello, I am native speaker of Trinidad French Creole; I would like to start a blog to help Trinidadians learn our creole since it is now a minority language. How do you suggest I begin?
Hi. I have heard the Trinidadian French Creole and I loved it!
I love your music too!
I guess what you could do is just ...begin.
Grow your blog one day at a time.
Bring out the beauty of that language.
And, most importantly, don't give up.
Would it be correct to say 3:45 as twaze mwenka?
2:45 is dezè twaka or twazè mwenka (15 min to 3)
oute pati lontan'mwen konn ale jakmel wi oupajanm rentre vin we manmanwak kiyes wap viv USA.
Mwen konn ale Jakmèl.
Ou pa janm rantre vin wè manman w.
Ak kiyès wap viv USA?
Monday, June 20, 2011
'Am I Right' or 'Am I Wrong?'
Is that right? - Eske se sa?
Isn't that right? - Eske se pa sa?
Am I wrong? - Eske mwen twonpe m?
how to say behave
To behave well - konpòte (pronoun) byen, or byen konpòte (pronoun)
Behave yourself - Konpòte ou byen
He is well behaved - Li konpòte li byen.
Your kids are well-behaved - Timoun ou yo konpòte yo byen.
Those kids are well-behaved - Timoun sa yo byen konpòte yo.
what does "sa nou menm" mean?
"Sa nou menm..." - is a sentence fragment. It means: "What we..."
Do you think the name Stephane is most likely a girl's or boy's name?
Stefani (Stephanie), on the other hand, is more like a girl's name.
Sophonie or Sofoni (girl's name) might be names derived from Stephen.
Are people in Haiti obsessed about being overweight? What regimen do they usually follow to lose weight? Translate: "lose weight" and "gain weight". Thanks!
Presently, Haitians in Haiti are not facing the same weight issues as in the USA. One day, when Haiti becomes something other than an underdeveloped country, Haitians might become obsessed with being overweight. Right now they are not.
When my siblings and I were little, my mother’s special instruction to our caretakers was, “Feed them well. For if they are too skinny, the neighbors might think we’re so poor we can’t feed them.”
Even though I was properly fed as a child I was still skinny. People (including my siblings) nicknamed me “zobege” for that reason. I hated that name. I understand now I had a fast metabolism.
Hunger and poverty are like an epidemic in Haiti. Why should the people worry about eating too much?
In Haiti, It is considered a desirable attribute to have some meat on your bones.
Being fat hints that you are well fed, therefore, not experiencing hardship.
Tell someone in Haiti that he’s gain weight, and he’ll most likely answer that it’s the grace of God.
In church one day, I did hear this lady testify that her “fatness” was evidence of the favor of God.
In the same church this man, named “Milo”, often spoke of his misfortune to have stumbled upon a “skinny” wife. He goes on to explain how he held on, caring for the poor skinny lady, feeding her, giving her love until she began to fill up . He says, “Now, I enjoy significant warmth in my bed at night”. Yes, that was his pride and joy.
To lose weight (v.) – megri, pèdi pwa, desann
To gain weight (v.) – gwosi, pran pwa
Using Reflexive Pronouns - Myself, Yourself, Himself...
Click on the play button, listen and follow along
Bonjou, Kouman nou ye?
Hello, how are you?
self - tèt (literally means "head")
When using"tèt" to translate a reflexive pronoun, be sure to add the corresponding Haitian Creole pronoun.
For example,
myself - tèt mwen
yourself - tèt ou
him/her/it -self - tèt li
ourselves - tèt nou
yourselves - tèt nou
themselves - tèt yo
1. Mwen renmen tèt mwen.
I love myself.
2. Li rayi tèt li.
She hates herself.
3. Fòk ou defann tèt ou.
You must defend yourself.
4. Tanpri, pa bay tèt ou pwoblèm
Please, don't trouble yourself.
5. Respekte tèt ou.
Respect yourself.
6. Li gade tèt li nan glas chak sen minit.
She looks at herself in the mirror every five minutes.
7. Ede tèt ou, e Bondye va ede w.
Help yourself, and God will help you.
8. Ou te fè byen. Bay tèt ou kouraj.
You did well. Give yourself credit.
9. Ede m. M fèmen tèt mwen deyò.
Help me. I locked myself out.
10. M dwe pran swen tèt mwen.
I must take care of myself.
That's all, thank you and,
Pran swen tèt ou ☺
Take care of yourself☺
Click on this link to see other ways to translate reflexive pronouns.
What does "fè lanmou ave ou" mean?
fè lanmou avè w - make love to you
What's the Creole word for a 'patch job' or 'patch-work"
Kole Pyese (pronounced ko-lay p-yay-say)
The word "Kole pyese" acts both as a noun and a verb
The word "kole pyese" is also synonymous with a "botched job".
"gade yon biskèt"
This sentence is directing someone's attention to someone's chest.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
How to say "PROCRASTINATE (v.)" and "DEADLINE (n.)" in Creole? I have not been able to find them in MY dictionary.
He's procrastinating. Lap trennen pye l.
You are procrastinating. - Wap trennen pye w.
Why are you putting this thing off? - Poukisa wap trennen pye w sou sa?
DEADLINE - delè, dènye delè
I'm giving you a deadline for Friday.
Map ba ou yon dènye delè pou Vandredi.
Today is the deadline.
Jodi a se dènye delè a.
We're going to put a coffee table in front of the when people walk in, they can enjoy a morning coffee..
Nou pral mete you ti tab pou sèvi kafe nan sal resepsyon an.
So, when people walk in, they can enjoy a morning coffee.
Konsa, lè moun yo antre le maten, ya kapab pran yon ti kafe.
Or you can also say:
So, when people are waiting, they can enjoy a morning coffee.
Konsa, lè moun yo ap tann le maten, ya kapab pran yon ti kafe.
How do you say "Happy Father's Day in French and Haitian Creole"
(H. Creole) - Bònn Fèt Dè Pè
Do you have any ideas for a Father's Day wish (in Creole), Mandaly?
Mèsi Papa
Pou tout sa ou fè
Ou espesyal
Ou se poto mitan m
Bònn Fèt Dè Pè!
Thank you Dad
For all you've done.
You are special,
You are my rock.
Happy Father's Day!
I'm not feeling like the poet today. So this will have to do ☺
Kijan ou ka pwoteje tèt ou?
Stay away. Don't get any closer.
At least, that's what I would have done to protect myself :)
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Do You Really Have To Lie To Me All The Time?
Eske ou vrèman oblije ban m manti tout tan?
we are optimistic about the future, Really! Can I say.. Why not.. I mean, nothing's going on.
Describe these words for me please!Companion- Moses- Open door for her...
Hello Mandaly,Is Haitian creole consonant the same with the French?
Friday, June 17, 2011
What do you say as a response (if anything) in Kreyol when someone sneezes. As we all know.. we say "God Bless you!" in English. I believe I heard someone in Haiti say a word that started with the letter "A" but Im not sure if it was Kreyol or Franse??
The French people say:
A tes souhaits!(to people you're casual with) - To your wishes!
A vos souhaits! (to people you're not casual with)- To your wishes!
(Rarely) A tes amours! (to people you're close/intimate with) - To your love!
Haitians say:
Bondye beni w! - God bless you!
How do you say "happy pride" and how can one discuss some lgbtq topics in creole?
How one discusses lgbtq issues, in Haitian Creole, will depend on your audience and what you want to say.
Today is my day - Jodi a se jou pa m.
Today is a big day. - Jodi a se yon gran jou.
how you say "take" in creole
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Sunday, June 19 Father's Day.. My Question is "Do You Think That A White Suit, White Short, Black Tie, Black Pant, And Black Shoes Should Do It To Go To Church."
I think it depends on how the general population of your church dress to church.
I think you'll look good in that suit, especially if you're a dad.
how would you pronounce "thank you"
Please check audio at this link for the pronounciation:
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Is "Mwen kontan rekonèt ou." the same as "Mwen kontan rankontre ou." do both rekonet and rankontre have the same exact meaning.. "to meet"??
But, you are right. Haitians, sometimes, do use these two phrases synonymously.
I Speak Haitian
So, you would say, "I speak Creole - M pale kreyòl"
Keep it up☺
what do merci desque ou pat met zanno a anko cherie means
Hi, I'm looking for a way to find some Hatian Creole Christian recordings. I am especially looking for the song 'Gen yon jou ka vini.' also a song 'Jezi se kapitann mwen.' Any ideas would be very appreciated. thanks!
Jezi Se Kapitènn mwen?
I am not sure whether this is the song. That's the only one I found with this title. Actually the title is "Jezi Se Sovè m".
Mape rete, mape rete fè m (bis)
Kou yon pye bwa ki plante bò rivyè a
Wi, mape rete fèm.
Jezi se sovè mwen, mape rete fèm
Mwen pap manke anyen, mape rete fèm
Kou yon pye bwa ki plante bò rivyè a
Wi mape rete fèm
Jezi ban mwen lavi, mape rete fèm
Kache anba zèl li, mape rete fèm
Kou yon pye bwa ki plante bò rivyè a, Wi, mape rete fèm.
Ak yon fwa byen vivan, mape rete fèm
Gras li rann mwen pisan, mape rete fè m
Kou yon pye bwa ki plante bò rivyè a, Wi, mape rete fèm.
Gen Yon Jou Kap Vini
Download link for "Gen Yon Jou Kap Vini"
Gen Yon Jou Kap Vini (Ki Gran Jou)
Gen yon jou kap vini, jou sa pap genyen chagren
Pap gen nyaj nan syèl la, ni gwo dlo pou twouble je m
Va gen la pè pou tout tan, nan bèl ti vil dò sa a
Ki gran jou, jou glorye sa va ye
Ki gran jou sa va ye, lè na rankontre Jezi
E mwen va gade figi L, Li men ki sove m pa gras
Lè li va kenbe men mwen, pou L mennen m nan tè pwomès la
Ki gran jou, jou glorye sa va ye
Pape gen yen tristès, ni fado pou nou pote
Ni maladi ni doulè, ni pataj nan peyi sa
Va gen la pè pou tout tan, nan bèl ti vil dò sa a
Ki gran jou, jou glorye sa va ye
Ou menm ki san Jezi, sa ou va fè nan jou sa
Men Jezi pral vini, pòt lagras la pral fèmen
Kolè Bondye pral tonbe sou tout moun ki san Jezi
Ki gran jou, jou glorye sa va ye
*will upload "Jezi Se kapitèn Mwen" soon :)
You may find a lot of Haitian Creole Christian Recordings at "Mom and Pop's" Haitian Christian bookstores in areas where a greater concentration of Haitians live, such as Miami, Brooklyn, New Jersey and the Boston area.
Some Haitian Creole songs that you may find online are from the following singers: Pierre Gardy Fontaine, Vladimir Joseph, Caribbean Gospel Music, Ujece, and Evlyn Baille...
(Gen yon men ki touche m)
(Pèsòn Pa Ka Kanpe)
(Mwen Koube m)
(Chè Senyè)
(Jezi Se Tout)
(Jezi Peye Tout)
(Jezi ou Merite Tout glwa) This song is available to buy at the JUBAU GROUP WEBSITE ONLY
Glwa, Onè, Louanj pou tout tan!
Jezi, ou merite tout glwa!
Alelouya, Beni swa Letènel!
Jezi ou merite tout glwa!
Male voice (speaking part) is Psalms 113 in Creole:
"Louwe Letènel
Tout sèvite Bondye, louwe Letènèl
Fò non Letènèl beni
Depi kounye a pout tout tan gen tan
Depi solèy leve jiskaske l kouche
Fò non Letènèl selebre"
The song continues.....
Pou tout tan m’a louwe l
Pou tout m’a adore l
Pou tout tan m'a louwe l
Pou tout tan m’a sèvi l
Glwa Pou Bondye
Adorasyon pou Bondye
Chante 'on chan pou Bondye.
Jezi ou merite tout glwa
Yes, it’s a very short song
There's also another Creole song (Michael Benjamin's Si m te gen zèl) which is somewhat similar to the one above. Truly beautiful lyrics by Renond
(Si'm te gen zèl)
audio button may pause to learn lyrics
Vole, vole...
Vole, vole keyi zetwal nan syèl
fly, fly, gather the stars in the sky
Vole, m ta vole
Fly, I would fly...
Si m te gen zèl,
I I had wings,
tankou yon zwazo, m ta vole, al keyi zetwal nan syèl.
like a bird, I would fly , to gather stars in the sky
Si m te lapli,
If I were the rain
Mwen ta jete dlo, pou m wouze flè k pouse anba solèy.
I would drop water to spary the flowers growing under the sun
Si m te lajwa,
If I were joy
M ta antre nan kè, tout malere pou yo kapab jwenn lespwa.
I would enter the heart of the unfortunates to give them hope
Si m te lanmou,
If I were love
M ta met ajenou, devan Bondye pou lèzòm kabab sispann goumen.
I would kneel before God so that humanity would stop fighting
Yo ta renmen.
They would love.
M ta fè tout mòn blanch yo rebwaze,
I would reforest the barren hills
Tout sous ki seche, rekòmanse koule,
All dried up springs, start flowing again
Si m te gen pouvwa pou mwen chanje,
If I had power to change
Tout sa m dezire.
Whatever I desire
Mwen ta bani tout trayizon,
I would bannish all treason
Tout sa ki malad ta jwenn lagerizon,
All the sick would find healing
Tout sa ta pwouve saj yo te gen rezon.
All that would prove the wise were right
M ta fè tout sa k grangou jwenn manje,
I would give food to the hungry
Sa k nan lesklavaj, ta va jwenn libète
The captives would go free
Si m te gen pouvwa pou mwen chanje,
If I had power to change
Tout sa m dezire.
Whatever I desire
Mwen ta fè tout zam tounen jwèt,
I would turn weapons into toys
Move zentansyon, santiman disparèt,
corrupt intentions and ambitions disappear
Si m te ka chante pou m chase mechanste
If I could sing to chase away naughtiness
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
25 Useful Introductory Haitian Creole Phrases
Here's the list you requested. Practice listening to it at least two or three times.
Click on the play button. Listen and follow along ☺
1. Bonjou!
Good morning! Hello!
2. Bonswa!
Good afternoon / Good evening!
3. Bònn nwi!
Good night!
4. Orevwa!
5. Na wè pita.
See you later
6. Kijan ou ye?
How are you?
7. Mwen byen, mèsi. E ou menm?
I’m fine, thank you. And you?
8. Kijan ou rele?
What's your name?
9. Mwen rele ...Kate.
My name is ...Kate.
10. Mwen kontan rekonèt ou.
I'm Pleased to meet you.
11. Eskize mwen mesye / Madanm.
Excuse me sir / Man’m
12. Konbyen sa koute?
How much is this?
13. Silvouplè / tanpri
14. Mèsi anpil
Thank you very much
15. Kote twalèt la ye?
Where's the toilet?
16. Pase bònn jounen☺
Have a nice day☺
17. Map sonje ou.
I will miss you.
18. Mwen pa konprann.
I don't understand
19. Mwen pa konnen.
I don't know.
20. Tanpri repete ankò
Please say that again
21. Tanpri, pale pi dousman.
Please speak more slowly.
22. Kijan ou di an Kreyòl?
How do you say ... this in Creole?
23. Sa sa vle di?
What does that mean?
24. Eske ou pale Angle?
Do you speak English?
25. Kite m an repo, silvouplè.
Leave me alone, please.
Se tout, mèsi, e orevwa!
That's all, thanks and goodbye!
If this is your first trip to Haiti, I welcome you with a great Caribbean smile.
Enjoy your trip whether it's your first or your tenth. Let the tropical sun warm your heart. And as you mingle with those very spirited natives on this beautiful island, just ready your heart to learn new things ☻
Click on the following links to find more info on the followings: