pa anpil
Bonjou! Learn to Speak Haitian Creole
Bonjou! ...Mèsi! ...E Orevwa! Search for English or Haitian Creole words translation. Also search the whole site for expressions, idioms and grammar rules. And ask questions about the language in the ASK QUESTIONS HERE section.
Most requested translations added here for your convenience: I love you → Mwen renmen w. I miss you → Mwen sonje w. My love! → Lanmou mwen!
Most requested translations added here for your convenience: I love you → Mwen renmen w. I miss you → Mwen sonje w. My love! → Lanmou mwen!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
M couche. M'ap couche. M te couche. M t'ap couche. I know that some refer to lying down to sleep and some ... don't. How do I stay out of trouble with "couche"?
Kouche in Haitian Creole generally means to lie down. If you start using kouche avèk, then we might be talking about some grown-up stuff.
In some instances, the context is a good guide.
In some instances, the context is a good guide.
M te al kouche a sizè yèswa.
I went to lie down at six last night.
Nou te tèlman fatige, n'al kouche bonè.
We were so tired, we went to bed early.
Tanpri, kouche bwat la atè a.
Please, lay the box on the floor.
M deja kouche.
I'm already in bed.
Mwen te kouche ak yon tèt fè mal.
I went to bed with a headache.
Li toujou kouche nan menm chanm ak timoun yo.
She usually sleeps in the same room as the kids.
Nou te kouche ansanm.
We slept together.
Mwen fache anpil paske li te kouche ak madanm mwen.
I'm outraged that he slept with my wife..
Li pa't janm kouche ak yon gason.
She had never slept with a man.
Hi. What does mean: pale mwen mal tout tan ou kapab
Pale m mal tout tan w kapab,
Criticize me as long as you can.
Belittle me as long as you can.
Put me down as long as you can.
Pale mal → put down, slander, criticize
Pale mal → put down, slander, criticize
Nou tout egal ego. Egal ego means equal, right?
Wi wi.
Egal ego is an expression about equality.
Other expressions similar to egal ego are: menmman parèyman, menm bagay la, menm penpenp lan, de gout dlo.
Anonymous said....
I don't understand how to use those properly (i.e. in place of egal alone). Please give some examples. Also, what is penpenp?
November 30, 2011 12:00 PM
Mandaly said....
Yes, you could use some of these expressions in place of the word "equal". The ones you can use are:
equal → egal, egal ego, menm or menm bagay, menmman parèyman.
These two cups are equal (the same).
De tas sa yo egal ego.
You and your dad have the same mannerism.
Ou menm ak papa w se menmman parèyman.
You and your sister look so much alike.
Ou menm ak sè w la tankou de gout dlo.
penpenp is anything, a concept, circumstance, or object.
Chak jou se menm penpenp lan.
Every day it's the same thing.
Ask me anything
Anonymous said....
I don't understand how to use those properly (i.e. in place of egal alone). Please give some examples. Also, what is penpenp?
November 30, 2011 12:00 PM
Mandaly said....
Yes, you could use some of these expressions in place of the word "equal". The ones you can use are:
equal → egal, egal ego, menm or menm bagay, menmman parèyman.
These two cups are equal (the same).
De tas sa yo egal ego.
You and your dad have the same mannerism.
Ou menm ak papa w se menmman parèyman.
You and your sister look so much alike.
Ou menm ak sè w la tankou de gout dlo.
penpenp is anything, a concept, circumstance, or object.
Chak jou se menm penpenp lan.
Every day it's the same thing.
Ask me anything
I said "M pa t we pyès moun la" and was told that "pyès" is out-of-date, that only old people will understand it, and that "okenn" is way better. Is this true?
"pyès" is not outdated. How could it be?
What you will find is that people from a specific region of Haiti tend to use "pyès" more than others.
You are correct to say: M pa't wè pyès moun la.
Other synonyms for pyès moun are: okenn moun, pèsòn
So, you could also say:
M pa wè okenn moun la.
M pa wè pèsòn la.
Also Creole speakers will use pyès to mean none as in:
There will be none of that.
P'ap gen sa pyès.
I have no money on me.
M pa gen pyès lajan sou mwen.
She doesn't have any children in Haiti.
Li pa gen pyès timoun Ayiti.
I have no money on me.
M pa gen pyès lajan sou mwen.
She doesn't have any children in Haiti.
Li pa gen pyès timoun Ayiti.
I can't get these straight. What are hug and kiss, both as nouns and verbs?
to hug (v.) → anbrase, makònen avèk, or kwoke
to kiss (v.) → bo, bobo, or anbrase
A hug (n) → anbrasad, akolad
A kiss (n) → bo, bobo, beze, bizou
Each of us. (Each of us can help. He loves each of us.)
Each of us.
Nou chak
Chak grenn nan nou (each one of us)
You'll also hear: chaken de nou, but that's more French, less native.
Each of us can help.
Nou chak ka ede.
He loves each of us.
Li renmen nou chak.
each day
chak jou
Each person can bring a book.
Chak moun ka pote yon liv.
Each time I see you.
Chak fwa mwen wè w.
She takes it every morning.
Li pran li chak maten.
Each of us will get a turn.
Nou chak la va gen tou pa li.
Ask me anything
each day
chak jou
Each person can bring a book.
Chak moun ka pote yon liv.
Each time I see you.
Chak fwa mwen wè w.
She takes it every morning.
Li pran li chak maten.
Each of us will get a turn.
Nou chak la va gen tou pa li.
Ask me anything
I don't know what to say, I don't know how to express myself
I don't know what to say.
Mwen pa konn sa pou m di.
I don't know how to espress myself.
Mwen pa konnen kijan pou m eksprime tèt mwen.
to know → konn, konnen
Jesus knows
Jesus knows.
Jezi konnen.
God knows.
Bondye konnen.
God knows everything.
Bondye konnen tout bagay.
Who knows?
Kimoun ki konnen?
Kilès ki konnen?
Jezi konnen.
God knows.
Bondye konnen.
God knows everything.
Bondye konnen tout bagay.
Who knows?
Kimoun ki konnen?
Kilès ki konnen?
I see that you have translated "as soon as" as "menm kote", is there another translation for it?
As soon as → menm kote, menm lè, osito, sito, imedyatman, dèke
As soon as the rain stops, we'll leave.
Menm kote lapli a rete, n'ap kite.
As soon as the Holiday season's over, I'll come home.
Imedyatman sezon fèt la pase, m'ap vin lakay.
Call me as soon as the books come in.
Rele m dèke liv yo vini.
The dogs started barking as soon as the door bell rang.
Chyen yo te koumanse jape sito pòt la te sonnen.
Tell me what is wrong. What did I do wrong? and What is wrong? (in Creole please)
What's wrong?
Sa ki genyen? (non-contracted)
Sa'k genyen? (contracted)
Use either one
What did I do wrong?
Kisa mwen fè ki mal?
What did I do to you?
Kisa mwen fè w?
Did I hurt you?
Eske mwen atriste w?
Did I do something wrong?
Eske mwen fè yon bagay ki mal?
Eske mwen fè yon move bagay?
Lekol lage means School's out. But i've the feeling it means something else in this sentence "Le manman yo pa la, se lekol lage."
lage → to let out, to make free
Lekòl lage. → School's out.
School's out. Drive slowly.
Lekòl lage. Kondui dousman.
Who will pick up Rachel when school's out today?
Kilès ki pral chache Rachèl lè lekòl lage jodi a?
Lekòl lage is also an expression which means anything goes
When their mom's not home, it's a wild party.
Lè manman yo pa la, se lekòl lage.
As soon as the teacher stepped out of the class, the commotion started.
Menm kote pwofesè a kite klas la, lekòl lage.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Mwen pral an Ayiti demen. What would you recommend I must see/eat while there?
Take a drive to the outskirts of the city.
Visit Basen Ble in Jacmel.
Swim in the ocean.
Visit a flea market on market day.
Eat spicy seafood (conch, fish and shrimps),
and drink lots of coconut juice.
Be safe.
Pase yon bon vwayaj.
what does fle sezon mean?
Flè sezon → (literally) seasonal flower
But the expression is about "seasonal friends".
Someone is said to be a "flè sezon" if, even though you are good friends, they'd talk to you seasonally. They might say a big hello to you today, stop talking to you for a whole month or so, and then out the blue reenter your life again.
'To pass' as in: to pass a car on the expressway (Creole)
to pass → double (pronounced doo-blay)
I was in such a hurry I passed all the cars on the road.
Mwen te tèlman prese mwen double tout machin yo sou wout la.
I was in such a hurry I passed all the cars on the road.
Mwen te tèlman prese mwen double tout machin yo sou wout la.
Should "reyalize" be used for both "to produce" and "to recognize", like its English cognate "to realize"?
Yes, it could be used for both.
Can you recognize what went wrong here?
Eske ou reyalize sa ki pase la?
They worked hard to produce this performance.
Yo travay di pou yo reyalize spetak sa.
Is "asistans" correctly translated as "help", as "attendance", or both?
more like: help, support, relief, sustenance, or even helping hand
Crazy (Creole), anything other than fou?
Crazy → dechennen, anraje, debòde, fou, pèdi fèy, bonèt (pronoun) chavire, pèdi tèt (pronoun)
Examples: (see where pronoun is placed for the last two translations.
He's gone beserk.
Li fou.
Li dechennen.
Li deraye. (English: to derail)
Li anraje
Li pèdi yon fèy
Bonèt li chavire
Li pèdi tèt li.
We thought you went crazy when you took the streets all naked.
Nou panse ou te fou lè w te pran lari a toutouni.
Nou panse ou te pèdi tèt ou lè w te pran lari a toutouni.
Nou panse bonèt ou te chavire lè w te pran lari a toutouni.
Crazy in love → use "fou"
I'm crazy for you.
Mwen fou pou ou.
Crazy → dechennen, anraje, debòde, fou, pèdi fèy, bonèt (pronoun) chavire, pèdi tèt (pronoun)
Examples: (see where pronoun is placed for the last two translations.
He's gone beserk.
Li fou.
Li dechennen.
Li deraye. (English: to derail)
Li anraje
Li pèdi yon fèy
Bonèt li chavire
Li pèdi tèt li.
We thought you went crazy when you took the streets all naked.
Nou panse ou te fou lè w te pran lari a toutouni.
Nou panse ou te pèdi tèt ou lè w te pran lari a toutouni.
Nou panse bonèt ou te chavire lè w te pran lari a toutouni.
Crazy in love → use "fou"
I'm crazy for you.
Mwen fou pou ou.
I'm surprised.
I'm surprised (stunned, or shocked).
Mwen sezi.
Mwen etone.
I'm startled.
Mwen pantan.
Mwen sote.
Mwen sezi.
Mwen etone.
I'm startled.
Mwen pantan.
Mwen sote.
Eske m 'fou paske mwen renmen ou anpil?
Eske m fou paske m renmen anpil? (you may contract the second "m" also)
Am I crazy because I love you so much?
Is there a similar Creole expression for "to butt head"?
to butt head just like goats?
butt head (to disagree, to clash) → twoke kòn
miss you alot love and kisses
Miss you a lot. (is it "I" or "we"?)
Nou / M sonje w anpil.
Love and kisses
Beze ak lanmou
What is the difference between Eske and Èske?
They are the same word.
You've just managed to find out how to put the accent on the capital e.
You've just managed to find out how to put the accent on the capital e.
moute or monte?
moute, monte → go up, get in
Li moute do kay la.
He went up the roof of the house.
Monte machin nan.
Get in the car.
Li monte nechèl la e li te pè desann.
He went up the ladder and he was afraid to come down.
Kap la moute nèt jiskaske li disparèt.
The kite went up all the way until it disappeared.
moute, monte → go up, get in
Li moute do kay la.
He went up the roof of the house.
Monte machin nan.
Get in the car.
Li monte nechèl la e li te pè desann.
He went up the ladder and he was afraid to come down.
Kap la moute nèt jiskaske li disparèt.
The kite went up all the way until it disappeared.
Monday, November 28, 2011
When is "le" in creole. And time is also "le". So, 'when the time comes' is translated 'le le la vini'?
When the time comes...
Lè lè a rive...
Kou lè a rive...
Lè tan an rive...
When the time comes, will you be ready?
Lè lè a rive, eske w'ap pre?
When the time comes we'll tell her about it.
Kou lè a rive na di l sa.
I love you so much/ very much... twòp?
very much → anpil
so much → tèlman, anpil
I love you very much.
Mwen renmen ou anpil.
I love you so much I gave up my seat for you.
Mwen tèlman renmen w mwen kite plas mwen pou ou.
I love them so much I can't choose.
Mwen tèlman renmen yo mwen pa ka chwazi.
He's so tired he can't even walk.
Li tèlman bouke li pa menm ka mache.
so much → tèlman, anpil
I love you very much.
Mwen renmen ou anpil.
I love you so much I gave up my seat for you.
Mwen tèlman renmen w mwen kite plas mwen pou ou.
I love them so much I can't choose.
Mwen tèlman renmen yo mwen pa ka chwazi.
He's so tired he can't even walk.
Li tèlman bouke li pa menm ka mache.
Is "anmède" an appropriate word in nice company?
There's nothing vulgar about it.
It does have a slight similarity to "nan mèd" which is a vulgar expression.
The pronunciation is different too.
anmède (v.) → to bother, to inconvenience, to irritate, to badger
anmèdan (n.) → bully, teaser, jokester, pain in the neck
Poukisa w'ap anmède m konsa?
Why are you giving me such a headache?
Mwen pat vle travay pandan sezon fèt la, men patwon mwen anmède m jiskaske mwen asepte.
I didn't want to work during the holidays, but my boss nagged me until I said yes.
Pa pran li oserye. Li se yon anmèdan.
Don't take him seriously. He's a teaser.
Other Creole synonyms for anmède (v.) are: annniye, trakase, anbete, takinen, fann nan kò, pèsekite
Other Creole synonyms for anmède (v.) are: annniye, trakase, anbete, takinen, fann nan kò, pèsekite
Ala de koze!
Ala de koze!
What a parody!
What a farce!
Same as:
Ala de tenten!
Ala de grimas!
What a joke!
What absurdity!
Ala de foli!
What foolishness!
Ala de pwoblèm!
Ala de tèt chaje!
What a headache!
Ala de kaka! (vulgar)
What absurdity!
Ala de wont! or
Ala wont!
What a shame!
What a parody!
What a farce!
Same as:
Ala de tenten!
Ala de grimas!
What a joke!
What absurdity!
Ala de foli!
What foolishness!
Ala de pwoblèm!
Ala de tèt chaje!
What a headache!
Ala de kaka! (vulgar)
What absurdity!
Ala de wont! or
Ala wont!
What a shame!
Wap voye compa Mandalie!
Mè wi, se sa!
M'ap voye konpa san gade dèyè :-)
M'ap voye konpa san gade dèyè :-)
You must know that it's all about the rythm, its beauty, and illusion.
Ask me anything
Kisa yon 'tetsanko' ye?
Tètsankò → (literally tèt-san-kò head-without-body)
This expression is said of people that are undernourished, look skinny, and are unable to gain healthy weight.
Even though they may eat a lot, it seems that their mouths are not connected to their body. Thus, tètsankò.
Even though they may eat a lot, it seems that their mouths are not connected to their body. Thus, tètsankò.
Ask me anything
"a lot" can also be translated as "packet"? Like 'yon packet kay'?
Yes. "pakèt" will then be written in Creole.
You will also see the following synonyms for "pakèt" in Haitian Creole:
anpil, bann, kolonn, pil, dal
He has a lot of houses.
Li gen yon pakèt kay.
There were many books on the floor.
Te gen yon dal liv atè a.
There were so many people at the party.
Te gen yon bann moun nan fèt la.
The lady came in with a lot of kids.
Madanm nan te vini ak yon kolonn timoun.
Ask me anything
Eske ou janm...? → Have you ever...? (in Haitian Creole)
Eske ou janm... → Have you ever...
1. Eske ou janm bwè diven jiskaske ou sou?
Have you ever drunk wine until you were intoxicated?
2. Eske ou janm kenbe yon sekrè ki pi fò pase w?
Have you ever held a secret that was stronger than you?
3. Eske ou janm pran lapenn pou yon moun ki koupab?
Have you ever felt sorry for someone who was guilty?
4. Eske ou janm priye pou Bondye modi yon moun?
Have you ever prayed for God's curse on someone?
5. Eske ou janm vòlè nan men yon rich pou bay yon pòv?
Have you ever stolen from the rich in order to give to the poor?
6. Eske ou janm wè solèy leve oubyen solèy kouche?
Have you ever seen the sunrise o rthe sunset?
7. Eske ou janm vwayaje sou motosiklèt?
Have you ever travelled by motocycle?
8. Eske ou janm te nan yon aksidan?
Have you ever been in an accident?
9. Eske ou janm fè kònmsi ou se yon lòt moun?
Have you ever pretended to be someone else?
10. Eske ou janm pale Kreyòl Ayisyen nan telefòn?
Have you ever spoken Haitian Creole on the phone?
Se tout. Mèsi anpil e orevwa:)
That's all. Thank you very much and goodbye.
Epi and Epitou
Epi / Epitou (enpitou)/ E → and, and then, also, as well as
She speaks English and she speaks Creole.
Li pale Angle epi li pale Kreyòl.
You are smart, beautiful, and considerate.
Ou bèl, intelijan, epi ou janti.
This computer is advanced, small, light, and it's cheap.
Odinatè sa avanse, piti, lejè, epitou li bon mache.
He rescued me from a hell hole, from a dangerous situation, that was killing me.
Li sove m anba yon lanfè, nan yon sitiyasyon ki danjere, epi ki t'ap touye m.
She speaks English and she speaks Creole.
Li pale Angle epi li pale Kreyòl.
You are smart, beautiful, and considerate.
Ou bèl, intelijan, epi ou janti.
This computer is advanced, small, light, and it's cheap.
Odinatè sa avanse, piti, lejè, epitou li bon mache.
He rescued me from a hell hole, from a dangerous situation, that was killing me.
Li sove m anba yon lanfè, nan yon sitiyasyon ki danjere, epi ki t'ap touye m.
Can you give me the definition of each sentence in kreole. 'do you wear glasses?' 'I am wearing perfume.' 'He always wears a smile.' The carpet has been badly worn.' Notice the verb 'wear' in each sentence.
Do you wear glasses?
Eske ou pote linèt?
I am wearing perfume.
Mwen mete pafen. or
Mwen gen pafen sou mwen.
He always wears a smile.
Li toujou gen yon souri.
The carpet has been badly worn.
Kapèt la abime anpil.
Yes, the verb "to wear" is translated differently in each sentence to specifically describe its action in the Haitian Creole language. Thanks! for bringing that out :)
Sunday, November 27, 2011
bare (creole): to catch?
Bare (pronounced bah-ray) → to take unawares, to capture, to catch, to trap, to block, to enclose
Bare as in to catch or capture
They caught a burglar at the market.
Yo bare yon vòlè nan mache a.
He was caught stealing mangos.
Yo bare l ap vòlè mango.
She caught him in bed with another woman.
Li bare l nan kabann ak yon lòt fi.
Bare as in: to block, to enclose
The police officers barricaded the road because of the accident.
Polis yo bare wout la akoz aksidan an.
They blocked the school entrance with a yellow ribbon.
Yo te bare antre lekòl la ak yon riban jòn.
Why did they block the road?
Poukisa yo bare wout la?
The man in front of me is blocking my view. I can't see anything.
Mesye ki devan mwen an bare m. Mwen pa ka wè anyen.
Bare as in to catch or capture
They caught a burglar at the market.
Yo bare yon vòlè nan mache a.
He was caught stealing mangos.
Yo bare l ap vòlè mango.
She caught him in bed with another woman.
Li bare l nan kabann ak yon lòt fi.
Bare as in: to block, to enclose
The police officers barricaded the road because of the accident.
Polis yo bare wout la akoz aksidan an.
They blocked the school entrance with a yellow ribbon.
Yo te bare antre lekòl la ak yon riban jòn.
Why did they block the road?
Poukisa yo bare wout la?
The man in front of me is blocking my view. I can't see anything.
Mesye ki devan mwen an bare m. Mwen pa ka wè anyen.
How do you say "cooking spoons" in Haitian Creole?
The spoon that Haitians cooked with is called kiyè bwa.
It is a wooden spoon especially used when cooking maize (cornmeal).
There's also the soup or gravy ladle called louch.
Used for soups ans stews.
ti kiyè → teaspoon
gran kiyè → tablespoon
nouvèl (Creole)
Nouvèl → information, news, bulletin
Ban m nouvèl ou.
How have you been?
Ban m nouvèl manman w.
How's your mom?
Eske ou te tande nouvèl la?
Have you heard the news?
Mwen pote bon nouvèl.
I bring good news.
Mwen fe nouvèl chak maten. or
Mwen koute nouvèl chak maten.
I listen to the news every morning.
tired and bored
fatige e anniye
I'm tired and bored.
Mwen fatige e anniye.
I'm tired and weak.
Mwen fatige e fèb.
You are too restless
Ou fatige tèt ou twòp.
I'm tired and weak.
Mwen fatige e fèb.
You are too restless
Ou fatige tèt ou twòp.
Another way to say tired in Creole is bouke.
I am tired of working hard.
Mwen bouke travay di.
I'm tired of being tired.
Mwen bouke fatige tèt mwen.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Would you say "here I come":"isit mwen vini", "isit la m vini" or "la m vini"?I am kinda confused about the usage of here when it is not referring to a specific place.
You're right. It can get confusing.
We might not be able to translate the next examples word for word.
Place the Haitian Creole word "men" before the subject when making these kind of sentences with "Here" or "there".
Here I come.
Men mwen.
Here she comes.
Place the Haitian Creole word "men" before the subject when making these kind of sentences with "Here" or "there".
Here I come.
Men mwen.
Here she comes.
Men li.
Here they come.
Men yo.
Here we are.
Men nou.
Here is the book you wanted.
Men liv ou te vle a.
Here I am Lord.
Men mwen Senyè.
When you call on a Creole speaker, he or she will come to you and most often say:
Men mwen. Ou te rele m?
Here I am. Did you call me?You will also hear: Men mwen wi! (Here i am!)
There it is.
Men li.
Men ni.
Men ni.
Here is the money I borrowed from you.
Men lajan ou te prete m nan.
Here is the computer I saw in the ad.
Men òdinatè mwen te wè nan reklam nan.
Sometimes Creole speakers will use the verb "vini" along with "men"
Here she comes.
Men l'ap vini.
Here they come with the baby.
Men y'ap vini ak bebe a.
Here I come with the cake.
Men m'ap vini avèk gato a.
Sometimes Creole speakers will use the verb "vini" along with "men"
Here she comes.
Men l'ap vini.
Here they come with the baby.
Men y'ap vini ak bebe a.
Here I come with the cake.
Men m'ap vini avèk gato a.
So, "Here I come" can either be:
Men mwen.
Men m'ap vini.
See more examples with similar sentences here:
What is "moun pa"
Moun pa → favorite person, close friend, pal, bosom buddy
He's my buddy.
Se moun pa mwen.(non-contracted)
Se moun pa m. (contracted)
Watch for contractions. And do not confuse this "pa" with the negative indicator "pa" : )
-Do you know this lady?
Eske ou konnen madanm sa a?
-Yes I know her. She's a close friend.
Wi mwen konnen l. Li se moun pa m.
-If I knew she was your pal I would have been nice to her.
Si m te konnen li te moun pa w, mwen ta byen aji avè l.
Moun pa is an expression that could mean favoritism.
Ou nan moun pa.
You're playing favorite.
Moun pa se dra.
Good friends are like sheets. (Good friends are a shelter)
He would not have gotten the job if he didn't have someone on the inside.
Li pa ta jwenn travay la si li pa't gen moun pa anndan an.
You must have someone on the inside to get ahead in this country.
Fòk ou gen moun pa pou w avanse nan peyi sa.
See some other Haitian Creole words for "favoritism"
He's my buddy.
Se moun pa mwen.(non-contracted)
Se moun pa m. (contracted)
Watch for contractions. And do not confuse this "pa" with the negative indicator "pa" : )
-Do you know this lady?
Eske ou konnen madanm sa a?
-Yes I know her. She's a close friend.
Wi mwen konnen l. Li se moun pa m.
-If I knew she was your pal I would have been nice to her.
Si m te konnen li te moun pa w, mwen ta byen aji avè l.
Moun pa is an expression that could mean favoritism.
Ou nan moun pa.
You're playing favorite.
Moun pa se dra.
Good friends are like sheets. (Good friends are a shelter)
He would not have gotten the job if he didn't have someone on the inside.
Li pa ta jwenn travay la si li pa't gen moun pa anndan an.
You must have someone on the inside to get ahead in this country.
Fòk ou gen moun pa pou w avanse nan peyi sa.
See some other Haitian Creole words for "favoritism"
Friday, November 25, 2011
I have another question when Telling time. For example if you say to someone I'll come pick you up at uite mwennka, you mean 7:45.
Yes. You got it :-)
7:45 is uitè mwennka.
I'll come pick you up at 7:45.
M'ap vin chache w a uitè mwennka.
I have a question with Telling time.For example if you say to someone, I"ll come pick you up at 'nuit heures twaka. you mean 8:45.
yeap, that's it.
Wi, se sa.
eight forty-five
uitè karannsenk (eight forty-five)
uitè twaka (eight and three quarters)
First thing I'm going to do is...Second thing " "..... Third thing " " Fourth thing " " trust me we're not going to leave you hungry.
First thing I'm going to do is...
Premye bagay m'ap fè se ...
Second thing ...
Dezyèm bagay ...
See the link for Ordinal Numbers:
Trust me, we will not leave you hungry. (Is "you" plural?
Kwè m si ou vle, nou p'ap kite nou san manje. (nou - plural)
There are other ways to translate this sentence, but the above is my first choice:
Kwè mwen, nou pap kite nou grangou.
Kwè mwen, nou pap kite nou ak grangou nan vant.
Hello my friend!
Bonjou zanmi mwen!
Bèl bonjou zanmi mwen!
Bèl bonjou zanmi mwen!
Kout chapo zanmi mwen!
Sali zanmi mwen!
How about "Happy Holidays" in Creole?
Happy Holidays.
Pase yon bon sezon fèt.
(Literally: Have a good holiday season)
More Haitian Creole Holiday greetings
Pase yon bon sezon fèt.
(Literally: Have a good holiday season)
More Haitian Creole Holiday greetings
How to say "Merry Christmas" in Creole. And also "May the Son of God bring peace into the heart of every man". Great blog!
Merry Christmas!
Jwaye Nwèl!
May the Son of God bring peace into the heart of every man.
Se pou Pitit Bondye a pote lapè nan kè tout moun.
More Haitian Creole Christmas and Holiday greetings
More Haitian Creole Christmas and Holiday greetings
Ask me anything
Then if someone says "thank you" in Creole, I will answer how?
You're welcome. or Don't mention it.
De ryen.
My pleasure
Se te tout plèzi mwen.
Forget it.
Pa okipe w.
No problem
Pa gen pwoblèm.
It was nothing.
Se pa't anyen.
It was nothing at all.
Se pa't anyen ditou.
De ryen.
My pleasure
Se te tout plèzi mwen.
Forget it.
Pa okipe w.
No problem
Pa gen pwoblèm.
It was nothing.
Se pa't anyen.
It was nothing at all.
Se pa't anyen ditou.
Thank you very much - mèsi anpil?
Yeap, you got it!
thank you
thank you very much
thanks a lot
mèsi anpil
I thank you.
mwen remèsye ou.
I appreciate it.
Mwen apresye sa.
M apresye sa. (contracted)
I am very thankful.
Mwen gen anpil gratitid.
Thank God for you.
Mwen remèsye Bondye pou ou.
To thank or To say thanks
di mèsi
I wanted to say thank you.
Mwen te vle di w mèsi.
Mwen te vle remèsye w.
How could I ever thank you?
Kòman pou'm ta remèsye w?
thank you
thank you very much
thanks a lot
mèsi anpil
I thank you.
mwen remèsye ou.
I appreciate it.
Mwen apresye sa.
M apresye sa. (contracted)
I am very thankful.
Mwen gen anpil gratitid.
Thank God for you.
Mwen remèsye Bondye pou ou.
To thank or To say thanks
di mèsi
I wanted to say thank you.
Mwen te vle di w mèsi.
Mwen te vle remèsye w.
How could I ever thank you?
Kòman pou'm ta remèsye w?
Se konsa...kijan ou ye? or Kidonk...kijan ou ye? Can you use Se Konsa and Kidonk interchangeably when you start a sentence with "So..."
Kidonk, kijan ou ye? sounds better.
Konsa, kijan ou ye?
you could even say:
Konsa menm, kijan ou ye?
Se konsa... would not sound right.
Se konsa → in this manner, that's how...
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Sweet hello, Manda!Right now I am reading one simple and very nice book about carnival in Jacmel, written by Edwidge Danticat. Carnival has special palce in every caribbean society...what are your experiences with carnivals? Btw, how have you been?
Bèl bonjou zanmi m!
Ah! Carnival time in Haiti, where both men and women may take to the streets, with as little as a straw skirt, to dance the night away.
Kanaval se tan plezi
Tan kè kontan
Tan tout moun abiye tout koulè
Pou ale danse kole kole
Se tan bèl mizik tou
Gen moun k’ ap danse Konpa
Gen moun k’ap danse Rara
Si ou te Ayiti, zanmi m
Mwen panse ou ta danse Zouk :)
Anpil chalè
I'm happy for this day because it is thanksgiving and I am thankful for you in my life. (in Creole please)
Mwen kontan pou jou sa a, paske se Thanksgiving. E M'ap bay remèsiman paske ou nan lavi m.
Give thanks → Bay remèsiman.
I'm thankful for...
M'ap bay remèsiman pou...
I'm thankful for the life you gave us.
M'ap bay remèsiman pou lavi ou ban nou.
I'm thankful for my family.
M'ap bay remèsiman pou fanmi m.
A thankful heart is a happy heart.
Yon kè plen ak gratitid, se yon kè ki kontan.
I'm thankful for...
M'ap bay remèsiman pou...
I'm thankful for the life you gave us.
M'ap bay remèsiman pou lavi ou ban nou.
I'm thankful for my family.
M'ap bay remèsiman pou fanmi m.
A thankful heart is a happy heart.
Yon kè plen ak gratitid, se yon kè ki kontan.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Love is so complicated (Creole)
Sometimes it is.
Sometimes it's not.
What's so complicated about loving a puppy? YOU love IT, and IT loves YOU back.
Love is so complicated.
Lanmou si tèlman konplike.
Sometimes it's not.
What's so complicated about loving a puppy? YOU love IT, and IT loves YOU back.
Love is so complicated.
Lanmou si tèlman konplike.
is there a rule for when i should abbreviate the pronoun after a noun and when not to? For example, my friend corrects me and says that I should say lakay MWEN, not lakay m.
Yes, there's a rule.
Contractions don't follow consonants.
They only come after vowels (nasal and non nasal → a, an, e, è, en, i, o, ò, ou)
Follow this link about CONTRACTIONS:
hi, can you tell me the difference of these two? men M gen yon bel santiman. men M gen w bel santiman.
The first one is grammatically correct.
The second one does not make much sense.
The first one says: But I have a beautiful feeling.
The second one says: But I have you a beautiful feeling.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
how do you say in creole you make me feel so good
define "feel so good".
That's probably a general term for "happy". Is that what you mean?
You make me feel so good.
Ou fè m santi m kontan.
Merite pa mande.
Not always true.
I've never lived by that rule.
Men sa m panse:
Merite pa mande.
Men sa m panse:
Merite pa mande.
Merite pa ka apresye.
Mande apresye plis :)
Moin gin yoin rum m, map rale de tan an tan nan gorge moin chaque soir, li fe m, pa ka dormi
To be grammatically correct in Creole, you should write this as:
Mwen gen yon rim m'ap rale nan gòj mwen detanzantan chak swa. Li fè m paka dòmi.
Mwen gen yon rim m'ap rale nan gòj mwen detanzantan chak swa. Li fè m paka dòmi.
I get increased nasal secretions continually creeping up my throat at night. It keeps me from getting any sleep.
Ou sanble gripe.
Chache wout kay doktè tande!
Okay.... I like that :)
Your wife must be very special.
Mwen renmen madanm mwen. Se li sèl fanm mwen.
I love my wife. She's the only woman for me.
Lanmou sa p'ap janm fini.
This love will never end.
Mwen renmen Joujou. Bebe m se pa w.
I love Juju. Baby I am yours.
all my .... (creole)
All my... → Tout ... mwen
all my friends → tout zanmi mwen yo
All my friends have come to see me.
Tout zanmi mwen yo vin wè mwen.
Tout zanmi m yo vin wè m. (contracted form)
all my hope → tout espwa mwen
All my hope is in you.
Tout espwa mwen se nan ou.
Tout espwa m se nan ou. (contracted form)
all my life → tout lavi mwen
All my life I've been waiting.
Tout lavi mwen mwen t'ap tann.
Tout lavi m mwen t'ap tann. (contracted form)
all my needs → tout bezwen mwen yo
All my needs are taken care of.
Tout bezwen mwen yo regle.
Tout bezwen m yo regle. (contracted form follows nasal vowel "en")
all my dreams → tout rèv mwen yo
All my dreams have become reality.
Tout rèv mwen yo vini reyalite.
cannot contract "mwen" because it follows a consonant "v".
all your efforts → tout zefò ou yo
All your efforts were not in vain.
Tout zefò ou yo pa't anven.
Tout zefò w yo pa't anven.
all his children → tout pitit li yo
All his children have left him.
Tout pitit li yo kite l.
cannot contract "li" because it follows consonant "t".
all our children → tout pitit nou yo
All our children are married.
Tout pitit nou yo marye.
cannot contract "nou" because it follows consonant "t".
all my friends → tout zanmi mwen yo
All my friends have come to see me.
Tout zanmi mwen yo vin wè mwen.
Tout zanmi m yo vin wè m. (contracted form)
all my hope → tout espwa mwen
All my hope is in you.
Tout espwa mwen se nan ou.
Tout espwa m se nan ou. (contracted form)
all my life → tout lavi mwen
All my life I've been waiting.
Tout lavi mwen mwen t'ap tann.
Tout lavi m mwen t'ap tann. (contracted form)
all my needs → tout bezwen mwen yo
All my needs are taken care of.
Tout bezwen mwen yo regle.
Tout bezwen m yo regle. (contracted form follows nasal vowel "en")
all my dreams → tout rèv mwen yo
All my dreams have become reality.
Tout rèv mwen yo vini reyalite.
cannot contract "mwen" because it follows a consonant "v".
all your efforts → tout zefò ou yo
All your efforts were not in vain.
Tout zefò ou yo pa't anven.
Tout zefò w yo pa't anven.
all his children → tout pitit li yo
All his children have left him.
Tout pitit li yo kite l.
cannot contract "li" because it follows consonant "t".
all our children → tout pitit nou yo
All our children are married.
Tout pitit nou yo marye.
cannot contract "nou" because it follows consonant "t".
Monday, November 21, 2011
How shameless, how rude! (help in translating that) is it "kijan wont!"?
Generally, you would say:
How shameless and/or rude!
Ala moun sanwont!
What shameless people!
Ala moun san prestij!
What reckless and foolish people!
Ala moun san zedikasyon!
What uneducated people!
Ala moun malelve!
Ala moun malonèt!
How rude!
If you're specifically talking about a man, you would say:
Ala nèg sanwont!
Ala nèg san zedikasyon!
Or if you're specifically talking about a woman!
Ala fanm sanwont!
Ala fanm malelve!
You could replace moun, nèg, or fanm with a pronoun.
Ala w sanwont! (You have no shame!)
Ala li malelve! (He's so rude!)
Ala yo san zedikasyon! (How uneducated they are!)
How shameless and/or rude!
Ala moun sanwont!
What shameless people!
Ala moun san prestij!
What reckless and foolish people!
Ala moun san zedikasyon!
What uneducated people!
Ala moun malelve!
Ala moun malonèt!
How rude!
If you're specifically talking about a man, you would say:
Ala nèg sanwont!
Ala nèg san zedikasyon!
Or if you're specifically talking about a woman!
Ala fanm sanwont!
Ala fanm malelve!
You could replace moun, nèg, or fanm with a pronoun.
Ala w sanwont! (You have no shame!)
Ala li malelve! (He's so rude!)
Ala yo san zedikasyon! (How uneducated they are!)
"Manage" - I managed to get out safely. (Mwen manaje soti siman)?
Manage (to succeed in) → rive or arive, resi or reyisi (to finally suceed)
To succeed → reyisi
Safely → an sekirite, sen e sof
I managed to get out safely.
Mwen te rive sòti sen e sof.
She managed to fit into the dress with no problems.
Li te resi antre nan rad la san pwoblèm.
How did you manage to quit smoking?
Kijan ou te resi kite fimen?
To succeed → reyisi
Safely → an sekirite, sen e sof
I managed to get out safely.
Mwen te rive sòti sen e sof.
She managed to fit into the dress with no problems.
Li te resi antre nan rad la san pwoblèm.
How did you manage to quit smoking?
Kijan ou te resi kite fimen?
When will you speak to .... about resolving our problem? (Best way to say)
When will you speak to ... about resolving our problem?
Kilè w'ap pale ak ... sou zafè règleman pwoblèm nou an?
Kilè w'ap pale ak ... sou zafè règleman pwoblèm nou an?
It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday (and still is) -- m kontan te fe konesans w? M te kontan fe konesans w.
Both versions are right actually.
I have heard both.
Can't use contraction after "konesans"
I have heard both.
Can't use contraction after "konesans"
Don't forget your accented characters.
It was a pleasure to meet you.
M te kontan fè konesans ou.
It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday.
M te kontan fè konesans ou yè.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
It's about time... (expression in Creole)
It's about time...
Li te lè li te tan...
Li te lè l te tan... (you will mostly hear this contracted variant)
It's about time they left.
Li te lè l te tan pou yo te ale.
It was about time for a miracle.
Li te lè l te tan pou yon mirak.
It's about time you took care of that.
Li te lè l te tan pou w regle sa.
It's about time he proposed to you.
Li te lè l te tan pou li mande w maryaj.
Li te lè li te tan...
Li te lè l te tan... (you will mostly hear this contracted variant)
It's about time they left.
Li te lè l te tan pou yo te ale.
It was about time for a miracle.
Li te lè l te tan pou yon mirak.
It's about time you took care of that.
Li te lè l te tan pou w regle sa.
It's about time he proposed to you.
Li te lè l te tan pou li mande w maryaj.
"Grand opening for Winter Farmers' Market, January 8." "(corner of Washington & Norfolk Streets)"'Farm Fresh Produce!"
Gran inogirasyon pou Winter Farmers' Market,
8 Janvye
(Nan kafou riyèl Washington ak Norfolk)
"Vejetab ak fwi tou fre, ki fèt keyi!"
8 Janvye
(Nan kafou riyèl Washington ak Norfolk)
"Vejetab ak fwi tou fre, ki fèt keyi!"
Overnight, as in: Success doesn't happen overnight.
Overnight (suddenly) → sibitman, toudenkou, nan yon jou
Success → siksè, reyisit, pwogrè
Success doesn't happen overnight.
Pwogrè pa fèt nan yon jou.
Reyisit pa fèt toudenkou.
He became rich overnight.
Li vin rich toudenkou.
She became another person overnight.
Li vin chanje sibitman.
Success → siksè, reyisit, pwogrè
Success doesn't happen overnight.
Pwogrè pa fèt nan yon jou.
Reyisit pa fèt toudenkou.
He became rich overnight.
Li vin rich toudenkou.
She became another person overnight.
Li vin chanje sibitman.
Whether you're this or that, etc... (Creole)
Whether you're this or that
Ke w te sa, ke w pat sa
Kit ou te sa, kit ou pat sa
Li mèt te sesi, li mèt te sela
whether you rich or poor
Ke w te rich, ke w te pòv
Kit ou te rich, kit ou te pòv
Ou mèt rich oubyen ou mèt pòv
whether you're black or white
Kit ou te nwa, kit ou te blan
Ke w te nwa, ke w te blan
Ou mèt nwa, oubyen ou mèt blan.
Whether they were native or foreigners
Ke yo te moun peyi, ke yo te etranje
Kit yo te moun peyi, kit yo te etranje
Ou mèt te moun peyi, oubyen ou mèt te etranje
Ke w te sa, ke w pat sa
Kit ou te sa, kit ou pat sa
Li mèt te sesi, li mèt te sela
whether you rich or poor
Ke w te rich, ke w te pòv
Kit ou te rich, kit ou te pòv
Ou mèt rich oubyen ou mèt pòv
whether you're black or white
Kit ou te nwa, kit ou te blan
Ke w te nwa, ke w te blan
Ou mèt nwa, oubyen ou mèt blan.
Whether they were native or foreigners
Ke yo te moun peyi, ke yo te etranje
Kit yo te moun peyi, kit yo te etranje
Ou mèt te moun peyi, oubyen ou mèt te etranje
what does fout mean? (I hope it is not a very bad word, I am sorry if it is)
Yeap it is. :( Grrrrrr...Follow this link:
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Batay la se pou L'eternel
Ah!... I get it :)
This is the Lord's fight.
Batay la se pou Letènèl.
Literally this says: The fight is the Lord's.
battle for God
Is it like a "fight for God" ? or a "battle that belongs to God"
battle for God
konba pou Bondye
God's fight
Konba Bondye a
more than... as in:more than anything
more than... → plis pase...
More than anything → plis pase tout bagay
I love you more than anything
Mwen renmen w plis pase tout bagay.
more than ever
plis pase janmè
more than that
plis pase sa
more than you
plis pase w
plis pase ou menm
more than I can say
plis pase sa m ka di
more than me
plis pase m
King David had more than one wife
Wa David te gen plis pase yon madanm.
More than anything → plis pase tout bagay
I love you more than anything
Mwen renmen w plis pase tout bagay.
more than ever
plis pase janmè
more than that
plis pase sa
more than you
plis pase w
plis pase ou menm
more than I can say
plis pase sa m ka di
more than me
plis pase m
King David had more than one wife
Wa David te gen plis pase yon madanm.
Holiday Greetings (Creole)
When do you use 'ase' instead of 'kont' ?
"ase" is a synonym of "kont"You could use "ase" instead of "kont" as you please.
It's enough.
Li ase
Li kont.
I have enough problems.
Mwen gen ase pwoblèm.
Mwen gen pwoblèm mwen.
Is it enough?
Eske li ase?
Eske li kont?
And you? E ou menm? Why is 'menm' there? Why not E ou?
You could say "E ou" if you want.
"Ou menm" is the expression for "yourself".
"E ou menm?" means "and yourself?" or "How about you?" or "How about yourself?"
translate 'Sak Pase?' in different tenses
Present tense: Kisa ki pase?
Kisa | ki | pase?
Sa | k | pase? contracted
what | that/which/ who| happen
What's happened?
What's going on?
Past tense: Kisa ki te pase?
Kisa ki te pase la?
Sa'k te pase la? (contracted)
What happened there?
Future tense: kisa ki va pase? or kisa ki pral pase?
Kisa ki va pase lè ou rive lakay ou?
Sa k va pase lè w rive lakay ou? (contracted)
What will happen when you arrive home.
and also:
Present Progressive: Kisa ki ap pase?
Kisa ki ap pase Ayiti kounye a?
Sa k'ap pase Ayiti kounye a? (contracted)
What's happening in Haiti now?
Past progressive: Kisa ki te ap pase?
Kisa ki te ap pase nan lekòl ou a yè?
Sa k t'ap pase nan lekòl ou a yè? (contracted)
What was happening at your school yesterday?
Kisa | ki | pase?
Sa | k | pase? contracted
what | that/which/ who| happen
What's happened?
What's going on?
Past tense: Kisa ki te pase?
Kisa ki te pase la?
Sa'k te pase la? (contracted)
What happened there?
Future tense: kisa ki va pase? or kisa ki pral pase?
Kisa ki va pase lè ou rive lakay ou?
Sa k va pase lè w rive lakay ou? (contracted)
What will happen when you arrive home.
and also:
Present Progressive: Kisa ki ap pase?
Kisa ki ap pase Ayiti kounye a?
Sa k'ap pase Ayiti kounye a? (contracted)
What's happening in Haiti now?
Past progressive: Kisa ki te ap pase?
Kisa ki te ap pase nan lekòl ou a yè?
Sa k t'ap pase nan lekòl ou a yè? (contracted)
What was happening at your school yesterday?
Other ways to say What's going on / What's happening in Creole.
Kisa ki genyen?
Sa'k genyen? (contracted)
Kisa ki genyen?
Sa'k genyen? (contracted)
Kisa ki ap fèt?
Sa k'ap fèt? (contracted)
Sa k'ap fèt? (contracted)
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