duck (the bird) - kanna
Bonjou! Learn to Speak Haitian Creole
Most requested translations added here for your convenience: I love you → Mwen renmen w. I miss you → Mwen sonje w. My love! → Lanmou mwen!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
I believe the United Stated want to dominate everything.
Well, we are a super power.
Sometimes we do invite the sidekicks to join in.
This beautiful universe does need a gatekeeper.
Is this the right decision to arm rebels in Lybia.
I think the question to ask is, do the rebels get any training before they are handed their weapons. I think this one might come back to haunt us.
Can you just imagine Lybia's next government trying to institute gun control?
For Thine the Kingdom, the Power, The Glory are yours now and forever
paske rwayòm nan, pouvwa a, ak la glwa se pou ou pou tout tan.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Please translate to Creole:Certificate of Appreciation is awarded to _________ for outstanding service to ________. Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
_____name of person____
Pou Sèvis Eksepsyonèl Pou
___name of organization__
Bay yon timoun prensip li dwe swiv jouk li mouri, li pap janm bliye l.
Thank you, Fraud found in Haiti elections.
That's a shame. If confirmed, that would be very unfortunate.
Please tell me how to print a note to the lawn service men not to cut the new growth on the bottom of a plant
(the above Haitian Creole note mainly requests that they do not cut off the budding or newly growing plants)
bezouin an, ban nou-l jodi-a
Do you find that to be true, Haiti will someday to have a trust worthy government. can we trust the officials elected.
By the way, there's no such things as an honest politician. I think it's about who can play the game best.
how to say why are you here today in Haitian
why have you come here today? - pouki sa ou vini la jodi a?
If that question is aimed at a group of people, you will then change the "ou" to "nou" as shown here:
pouki sa nou vini la jodi a?
thank you
to thank (v.) - remèsye, di mèsi
example: I thank you - m remèsye w (or)
I thank you - m di ou mèsi
thank God (expression) - gras a Dye
example: I am fine, thank God! - m byen gras a Dye!
thanks to... - gras a...
I believe progress are been made Haiti. and that i am confident the next noon to be president-will create jobs, provide secutity, and move people out of the tents city.
Progress is slow. The next president will not have that much power. But a 'tèt ansanm' will move the country more steadily towards that goal.
how you spell in creol man of god
how to write welcome letter in creole
Then translate the letter in Creole.
If you have the letter in English, I'll be able to translate it for you.
Shouldn't the person name printed on the check, creole translation.
Haitian Creole: Eske non mèt chèk la pa ta dwe enprime sou chèk la?
Rephrasing the above sentence,
Haitian Creole: Non mèt chèk la ta dwe enprime sou chèk la.
Ask me anything
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
what is the name of the haitian languig
National language - French
if you ask me
no public restrooms thank you
Nou pa gen lavabo piblik, mèsi
We have limited bandwidth here and I was looking for another option to listen to your recordings. I can upload them free after 12 midnight to 4am but don't know how to save them for later listening.
I think I could choose a downloadable option when I publish my recordings. I'll see about making them downloadable. Check back later. ...way later tonight :)
do you have audio material for sale?
No. What are you looking for. If it's not too extensive I might be able to upload it for you.
Greetings and Introduction
Click on the play button, listen and follow along.
1. Bonjou! - good morning!
2. Bonswa! - good afternoon, good evening!
3. Allo! - hi, hello!
4. Salut! - hi, hello!
5. Bonjou mesye - good morning Sir, good morning Mr...
6. Bonjou madanm - good morning Man'm, good morning Mrs...
7.Bonswa matmwazèl - good evening miss
8. Bonjou ti pitit! - hello kid!
11. Silvouplè - please
12. Tanpri - please
13. Tanpri souple - please
14. Ban m yon ti dlo tanpri souple! - give me some water please!
15. Kouman ou ye? - how are you?
16. Kijan ou ye? - how are you?
17. Nou la - we're ok
18. Nou byen - we're doing well
19. Nou pa pi mal - - we're not too bad
20. Konsa konsa - we're so so
21. M rele Ursule. E ou menm kijan ou rele?
My name is Ursule. How about you, what your name?
22. M rele Jean Joseph Georges
My name is Jean Joseph Georges.
23. M kontan rekonèt ou - I'm pleased to meet you
24. Mwen menm tou - Me too
25. Na wè - we'll see you one day
26. Na wè pita - we'll see you later
27. Na wè demen - we'll see you tomorrow
28. Na wè ankò - we'll see you again
29. Orevwa - goodbye
30. Orevwa zanmi! - goodbye my friends!
Track: Fanm Peyi m by Ansy Dérose
Popular entertainer Michel Martelly is not fit to be president Haiti. He's only promoting his Last album BANDI LEGAL means HIP-HOP. Every weekened if he is president i think there's going to be parties inside Parliament.
These things can only happen in Haiti: If you can wear a suit and carry a VIP card then you're fit to be president. The poor Haitian people of Haiti have been drinking water for chocolate for so long, they don't know what chocolate tastes like. But is there really a qualified Haitian in Haiti that can lead the people out of its dark hole? Is there someone in Haiti who is smart enough to know to bring in the right experts to get rid of a system that's not working and establish one that'll employ the Haitian people while restructuring and reviving this dead nation?
Though Manigat' s experienced and could bring stability, things would be same-same under her. But Martelly does stand for vigor, this present generation , and change. Would he bring the right kind of change? We don't know. But he could be the start of a new era in Haiti.
Ask me anything
how are you
kouman ou ye?
sak pase?
sa kap fèt?
small - piti (as an attribute or adverb)
Monday, March 28, 2011
(used most often when asking questions with the verb 'to be')
Making negative sentences (NEVER) - Part II
Audio clip available for download here:
Last time we made negatives sentences such as:
M pa pale – I don’t speak
m pa konprann - I don't understand
Today we’ll make negatives sentences with NEVER.
Jamè - never
Janm - never
Jamè is a French word for never. In French it is written as jamais
Janm is the creole word derived from jamais.
In Haitian Creole we use both jamè and janm
Negative sentence = pa janm, or pa jamè
1. M pa konnen – I don’t know
2. M pa janm konnen – I never know
3. Nou pa pale – we don’t talk
4. Nou pa janm pale - We never talk
5. Ou pa konprann – you don’t understand
6. Ou pa janm konprann – you never understand
7. Pa gen moun la - There’s no one here
8. Pa janm gen moun la – there’s never anyone here
9. Pa lage – don’t give up
10. Pa janm lage – never give up, don’t ever give up
Let us look at a few more examples:
11. M pa janm li – I never read
12. Li pa janm travay – it never works
13. M pa janm bwè – I never drink
14. Li pa janm twò ta – it’s never too late
15. M pa janm sèl – I’m never alone
16. Pa janm bliye m – don’t ever forget me
17. Pa janm lage m – don’t ever let me go
18. Pa janm pale ak bouch plen – never talk with your mouth full
19. Pa janm di jamè – never say never
20. Pa janm sispann souri - never stop smiling
Believe - kwè
How would you translate: I never believe
Sit down – chita
How would you translate : I never sit down
.Mèsi, orevwa e pa janm sispann aprann
Thank you, goodbye and never stop learning.
Track: La machin a danse by La Compagnie Creole
Sunday, March 27, 2011
if I translate that, Katia, I like ur shape.
If you specifically want to mean sexy, you gotta phrase it differently as follow:
ou anfòm
ou byen kanpe or
ou sexy
all three sentences above translates "you are sexy"
but you definitely cannot say, "m renmen sexy ou la."
I said Katia mwen renmen sexy ou la. how's the spelling.
correct: Katia mwen renmen fòm ou.
I would like to have a copy the loan agreement send to me. check spelling. missing words.
Mwen ta renmen ou voye yon kopi dokiman m te siyen an ban mwen.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Now, assume that i want cash back. and do you have a section for Numbers.
That'll be a good sign, Well done.
My Most Embarassing Moments While I Was Learning to Speak English
How are you progressing in the Haitian Creole language so far?
Have you taken a class?
Have you networked with a Creole speaking group?
Have you sent yourself messages in Creole on your phone? (I did that!)
Have you dreamed in Creole yet? (I always spoke perfect English, with no accent, in my dreams.)
Learning a new language can be quite an adventure. When I came to the USA, I didn't understand a word of spoken English even though I had studied the language for a short while in Haiti. One week after I landed at the Miami International Airport, I was sent to High School. With the help of an interpreter I was told that I would start in the eleventh grade based on my school transcripts from Haiti.
That was great, I thought. Except that I was sure whether it meant that I would be in the eleventh class, or that I would be the eleventh student.
My first year in High School in the USA was the worst year of my life. I cried often. I never thought this dark period would ever end. I would not have made it out sanely if it wasn't for my piano teacher, Mr. Sunburg. Mr, Sunburg was an older teacher who was funny, unconventional and talented. Even though I never understood most of what he said in class, his body language communicated patience, compassion, and understanding. He is the one who gave me the idea that people don't have to speak the same language to communicate well.
These are some of the most embarassing moments I remember from that time:
1. When I was called upon to answer a question in class my teachers seldom understood a word I said. They’d ask me to, “speak up!”, “repeat!” and eternally wait for my answer in a quiet classroom filled with chuckles.
2. My math teacher was videotaping the class one day. When it was my turn to speak I was mortified. I couldn’t utter a word. Worse of all the whole class kept saying, “Come on girl, say something!”
3. Public transportation in Haiti is not the same as the in USA. No kidding! there are no bus stops, there are no marked buses, and there’s no button to press to stop the bus. In Haiti you yell “Psst!” to get the bus driver’s attention. So in my first months in the USA I stepped onto a Miami bus. The driver was mad at me. I now know that it was because I was fiercely waving my arm to stop the bus instead of waiting at a bus stop. When I got to my destination, I wasn’t sure how to stop the bus. So I kept going until another rider had to get down. I’m pretty sure I walked an extra six or seven blocks that day.
4. On the stairs, in school once, a boy came to my face, waving his menacing fingers at me, saying…. Something I didn’t understand. I charged at him and he ran away. I don’t know what I would’ve done if he had charged back. I don’t know how to fight. Haven’t had a catfight yet.
5. In Haiti, it is traditional to greet and kiss every grown up that comes into the house on the cheek. When I came to the USA I kept kissing the landlord every time he came to collect my mom’s payment until he told my mom to make me stop kissing him.
6. We do not have the “letter grading system” in Haiti schools. On my first day in High school I got a grade of “F” for a, possibly, review test. When I got my graded test back, I sat it on my desk and the girl next to me was gawking at my letter grade. She took my test from me and started passing it around in class. I thought that was good thing. I don't think so anymore.
7. I walked into the boy’s bathroom. Worse of all, I did not even notice that it was a little bit 'different'. I just went in. I actually thought it was weird that a boy came in and stood up to pee in that “thing” on the wall.
8. It took me a long time to confidently answer, "Here!", to roll call without breaking into a sweat and palpitation.
9. Someone should have warned me about Halloween and saved me a day of confusion.
10. I am grateful for all the people who have kept eye contact, and nodded, and smiled as they were trying to make sense of my broken English.
The cashier will assume i know creole, and She goes further with the conversation.
Yes, I can start a conversation with the cashier.
sak pase? - what's up?
kijan ou rele? - what's your name? (that'll be weird if cashier has a name tag)
Ou gen yon bèl non. - you have a beautiful or unique name (if cashier has a name tag)
Ki kote ou lekòl? - which school do you go to?
(hold a veggie up and say:) Kijan ou rele sa an Kreyòl? - what do you call this vegetable in Creole?
But, before you start, make sure you enunciate your words clearly. Practice speaking with a friend to make sure that he/she can understand what you're saying.
Bòn chans - good luck!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Making negative sentences (Present Tense) - Part I
Click on the play button, listen and follow the text below.
Bonswa tout moun! - Good evening everyone!
Pa - is the determiner for the Haitian Creole negative form.
1. m pa konprann - I don't understand
2. m pa konnen - I don't know
3. nou pa kapab - we cannot
4. li pa kontan - he's not happy
5. m pa pale Kreyòl twò byen - I don't speak Creole too well
there isn't / there aren't
6. pa gen lekòl jodi a - there's no school today
7. pa gen pwoblèm - there's no problem
8. pa gen moun la - there's no one there
9. pa gen anyen la - there's nothing here
10. pa kouri - don't run
11. pa gade m - don't look at me
12. pa enkyete w - don't worry
13. pa pale twò fò - don't talk too loud
14. pa fè sa - don't do that
15. pa fache - don't be angry
16. pa fache avè m - don't be mad at me
Bonswa e orevwa - good evening and goodbye
track: Lè latè Te San Lanmou by Caribbean Gospel Mizik
mwen is a subject pronoun. its contracted form is "m"
Ask me anything
how do you say year
what year were you born? - ki ane ou te fèt?
this is the year 2011 - sa se ane demil onz
one year - ennan
two years - dezan
five years - senkan
one hundred years - santan
one thousand years - milan
Ask me anything
Thursday, March 24, 2011
assignment, establish, this is useful information people in america should know about, Thanks you.
establish - etabli
This is useful information that people in America should know -
sa se enfòmasyon itil ke tout Ameriken dwe konnen
how do you say girl and boy in creole
ladies - medam, dam
Young woman - jenn dam, jenn ti dam, jenn fanm, jenn fi
boy - gason, ti bray, ti gason (literally means little man)
Young man - jenn jan, jennnom, jenòm, jenn gason
keep smiling always
(or, another Haitian Creole translation is:)
Pa janm sispann souri - Never stop smiling
Yesterday was my day OFF from work, I've gotten sick, and today i'am in Bethesda hospital seeking for treatment.
I'm sleepy
In the Haitian Creole expression 'dòmi nan je m' the object pronoun at the end of the sentence changes according to who is sleepy.
i am sleepy - dòmi nan je m
she' sleepy - dòmi nan je l
we're sleepy - dòmi nan je n
you're sleepy - dòmi nan je w
they're sleepy - dòmi nan je yo
Another way to say 'I'm sleepy' is 'm gen dòmi'.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
should be
the car should be red - machin nan ta dwe wouj
RIP Liz Taylor - Repoze an Pè
kòdoleyans bay tout fanmi ak fanatik ou yo -Condolences to your family and your fans.
what does gwo jou mean?
"gwo jou" is a significant day in your life. Days such as your wedding day, graduation day, day you met someone special, etc...
Haitian people also say, "gran jou".
What is life about?
Kisa lavi a ye? - what is life?
De kisa lavi a ye? - what is life about?
Kisa sa ye? - what is this?
De kisa sa ye? - What is this about?
Kisa wap di? - what are you saying?
De kisa wap pale?- what are you talking about?
So, what is life about?
I think life is about the quest for finding out what life is really about. We may never find the answers in this lifetime, if we did, how else would we occupy our minds? But we do have moments of clarity about what life is certainly not about.
what do you think life's about?
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Is it 'Bonjou' or 'Bonswa'? Which is more appropriate?
bonjou! - good morning! (say it anytime before noon)
bonswa! - good afternoon! and good evening! (say it any time after noon up until midnight)
bònn nwi! - have a good night! ( say it to wish someone a good night)
Mesye, madanm, or madmwazèl?
mesye - mister (title for married and unmarried men)
madanm - Mrs. (title for married women. They are called by the last name of their husband)
madmwazèl - Miss (title for unmarried women)
Silvouplè or Tanpri?
Either one is good to use when you want to say 'please'.
Ban m yon ti dlo silvouplè -give me some water please
Ban m yon ti dlo tanpri - give me some water please
Kijan, kouman, or kòman?
All three words mean 'how'
Use them interchangeably.
kouman ou ye? - how are you?
kijan ou ye? - how are you?
kòman ou ye? - how are you?
ki kote, kote, or kibò?
All three words mean 'where'
Use them interchangeably.
ki kote ou ye? - where are you?
kote ou ye? - where are you?
kibò ou ye? - where are you?
ki moun, kiyès, or kilès?
All three words mean 'who'
Use them interchangeably.
kimoun ou ye? - who are you?
kilès ou ye? - who are you?
kiyès ou ye? - who are you?
timoun, tipitit, or pitit?
all three words mean 'child'
timoun nan - the child
ti pitit la - the child
pitit la - the child
How long does it take to learn the Haitian Creole language?
yon plat manje - a plate of food
yon asyèt manje - a plate of food
plak machin nan - the car's tag
If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?
This is never going to happen to me. So why plan on it?
le maten le soley leve,se kok la mape tann chante,pou madanm pote kafe pou mwen,se le sa lape di mwen,yereswa mwen pa domi,tout lannwit la kok la ap chante,ay mwen pa kapab anko,edem kriye edem rele,kokoriko...
"When the sun comes up in the morning, the rooster crows for my lady to bring me coffee. She says she did not sleep well last night, 'cause all night the rooster crows ----- I can't any more, help me...."
Well this is definitely a song. I wish i could hear the music though.
Don't you think roosters make the nicest alarm clocks?
I didn't mind them during my school days in Haiti, except that sometimes they'll crow all day long. God bless them.
i tend to forget (ing) words in my sentence, is this a Haitian thing or I need to practice more.
Why are you "forgetting" these words?
Is it because you don't know where they belong?
Is it because you don't know which words to place in your sentence?
Or is it because you plainly do not know the words?
I tell you one thing, no matter what method you use to learn a new language, nothing will help you more than to practice speaking it daily with either a native or someone who knows the language very well. For it is in daily practice that your brain remembers the tone, the accent, the flavor, and the "place" of a word. So start networking, and start remembering :)
you have my e-mail and my phone, let me know how it goes, thanks you.
thanks you, i've recieved the E-mail, the best time to contact me (is) 5pm, Monday-Friday. translation in creole.
Mèsi, m resevwa lèt la. Pi bon lè pou kontake mwen se a senkè de lendi a vandredi.
I filled in papers of the fincial aid, and waiting for them to write me back.
M ranpli dokiman èd finansye yo. Map tann repons yo.
Until then, I going to sit tight, i am not going to borrow a loans.
Annattandan, m pap leve dwèt fè anyen, m pap mande prete lajan.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Is English your second language? if yes, what was your experience learning it?
English is my second language. Learning a new language took dedication, will and courage over my fear of expressing myself in a foreign language in public. I am still learning. I don't think i'll ever stop learning.
voiding or urinating (with part of speech please). Thanks
urine (n.) - pipi, pise
What is the correct term for lighter skin people in Haitian Creole?
lighter skin female (non white) - grimèl
what do people think about the creole language
-Creole speakers use it to communicate everyday.
-Creole writers and musicians use it to express themselves.
-It is the language of slaves, illiterates, and poor that is now etched forever in blood and ink to tell of a story of survival.
-It is now alphabetized and has been introduced in the Haitian school system as one of the official languages of the island.
-It is widely spoken by natives and foreigners. Some of the countries where Creole is spoken are Guadeloupe, Seychelles, Martinique, Haiti, and Louisiana, USA.
Thanks You, it is a beatiful language to learn.
Yes, and it becomes easier to learn when you interact often with speakers of that language.
I hope learning is fun for you.
what does ki laj ou ou menm?mean?
Ki laj ou ou menm? - How old are you?
This isn't an every day language. You do releaze that, right?
Success doesn't come over night,has it been this way for you?
translation: siksè pa annik tonbe sot nan syèl la, eske se konsa sa te ye pou ou?
Expertise, Waste, Discourage, Patience, Violence, Send in the creole translation, please, Thanks you.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
mwen se le
mwen sele - I am sealed
*often times when someone says, "mwen sele", it either means that they are filled with the spirit or God has placed a seal on them.
what does pou mean
Mwen gen yon sipriz pou ou.
I have a surprise for you.
M'ap etidye di pou m kapap pase egzamen an
I'm study hard so that I may pass the exam.
Pou ou kapab sove, fòk ou kwè.
In order to be saved, you must believe.
"Pou" has also other meanings in Creole:
pou → pulse
pou → lice
how do you spell hope, faith, courage, prayer and stenght in creole
how do you say atrium and ventricule
one (as in one of them) - youn
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Friends and Family - Audio lesson
Press the play button an be ready to listen to the next three sentences in Haitian Creole. Listen and follow along.
Bonjou ankò zanmi mwen yo - Hello again my friends!
Kijan nou ye? - How are you?
M espere ke tout bagay byen - I hope all is well.
Vocabulary words
1. fanmi - family
2. zanmi - friend
3. santiman - feelings
4. kalme - to soothe
5. fwa - faith
1- Yo se fanmi ak zanmi m - they are my friends and family
2. Eksprime santiman w - express your feelings
3. Fè yon diferans - make a difference
4. Kenbe la - hang in there, pressing on
5. kò, nanm, ak lespri - body, mind and spirit
Pase yon bon jounen - have a good day!
Orevwa - good bye!
(track: An limyè by Jocelyne Béroard)
Asking Questions - Audio Lesson
Hi! we're asking questions today!
Press the play button and be ready to listen to the fisrt two lines in Haitian Creole :)
Bonjou Zanmi! - Hello friend!
Kouman nou ye? - How are you?
1. Eske ou pare? - Are you ready?
2. Eske ou fatige? - Are you tired?
3. Eske w fini? - Are you done?
Eske ou fini? - Are you done?
4. Eske w la? - Are you here? or Are you there?
5. Eske w byen? - Are you well? or Are you ok?
6. Eske ou konprann? - Do you understand?
7. Eske ou kwè? - Do you believe?
8. Eske ou dakò? - Do you agree?
9. Eske ou genyen l? - Do you have it?
Eske ou genyen li? - Do you have it?
10. Eske ou renmen m? - Do you love me?
Thank You - mèsi
Goodbye - Orevwa
Track: Tanbou Nou by Zenglen
thank you so much for this blog! it is the first helpful website i have found for learning creole!
You're welcome. I'm glad it's helpful to you.
keep on learning :)
chick (woman) -kòmè, fi, jennfi, demwazèl, or dam
How you say how are you in Creole?
how are you? - kouman ou ye?
Friday, March 18, 2011
Every thing will be ok, if you do it my way. (part deleted)
(I hope you're not planning on mugging someone or something :)
Tout bagay deja byen, Paske Jezu m nan, Chita sou trone nan...., that's it. I am spektical who's going to be the winner.
Kelke swa moun ki genyen eleksyon an, si se volonte Bondye, Li ka tounen lou an mouton.
I know the Haitian Creole words "kijan" and "kouman" translates the adverb "how". But what if you wanted to say, "How beautiful you are!", how would you translate the word 'how'?
how - ala
how beautiful you are! - ala ou bèl! (or)
how beautiful you are - ala bèl ou bèl!
my! how happy you are! - ala kontan ou kontan!
what big eyes you have! - ala gwo zye ou gwo!
What charity have you most recently volunteered or donated to?
Breast cancer research and March of Dimes.
The faithful reach out to Japan with the power of prayer - The Boston Globe
As the people of Japan face an uncertain future, we can surely lend our support in praying for them.
what hapinning on haiti tody

Thursday, March 17, 2011
Be patient, u can visit ur car insurance, that's it.
what three most important things would you carry to a self-funded mission trip there?
Restaurant, Closed Waitress, please wait for Costumer Service, Creole translation.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Do u have a section for such words like: because, to, in, at, for....
yes. check prepositions in the following blogs: